Targeting the Innocent - The Exorcist
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Casey is in the hospital on a 51/50, where she's experiencing a terrible situation with the Salesman. She imagines her mom is cooking her eggs for breakfast, but all of the eggs are full of half grown, bloody chicks.

Casey says something isn't right, it's not like he said it was going to be. The Salesman tells her to be gracious, give in, say yes. He backhands her and she falls to the floor where she's held down by veins coming out of the floor.

Her family is in the waiting room and when they learn she can't leave for 52 hours and can have no visitors, Angela calls Father Tomas.

Father Marcus lands at one of his locations. He's asked to go to the side door.

Angela can't believe the exorcist wasn't approved. Father Tomas can't help and Father Marcus is gone.

The doctors think Casey might be self harming because of the burns she has. Otherwise, they found absolutely nothing wrong with her.

Father Marcus is watching a group of nuns who are in the process of doing an exorcism. The possessed man growls and pushes the Mother Superior. She goes toward him with hands open and takes his head, calming him.

Father Marcus takes a haunted locations tour of Chicago.

Henry talks to Angela about the time he was the most scared as a father. It was nothing in comparison to what he felt on the train.

Father Tomas visits Mrs. Walters to ask if she can help him go above his boss' head to the Bishop. She likes the idea. Meanwhile his nephew goes into her husband's room. He's a friggin' mess. The boy is scared shitless.

Jessica goes to see Tomas.

They're putting a feeding tube into Casey.

Jessica's husband is having an affair. She stays and leaves in the morning.

Marcus talks with the bus tour people for quite a while. He learns a lot. Then he meet with Mother Bernadette who reassures him his powers are not in his collar and asks that he help with their person tonight.

Marcus frees the man of his demon. He returns to see Marcus, who asks for his help. 

Angela comes between Casey and the Salesman just before she's fully gone. The exorcist will begin next week.

The Exorcist
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The Exorcist Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Lester: How do you know Bennett?
Marcus: He excommunicated me.
Wife: Must have been onto something big. That's when they come for you.

Casey: You're doing this to me!
Salesman: I was making you perfect.
Casey: You tricked me!