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Andy has conversations with Nikki who has taken over for Grace. 

The kids are on their way home from camping.

Nikki tells Andy she's never going to leave him again.

Tomas tells Marcus what he saw at the house. Marcus realizes that Tomas' story is the one the guy from the boat told him about.

Rose and Andy are talking with Truck at the facility he's at. He wants to come home, but can't right now.

Andy talks with Nikki about Truck. He knows it was them who influenced Truck. Rose notices Andy's odd behavior.

Tomas and Marcus visit Andy's home and talk to Rose.

Caleb talks to Harper about how Truck got his name and the Island Witch.

Verity talks with Andy about Truck. He doesn't tell her that Truck apologized. Verity knows there's something wrong with Andy.

Rose brings the Marcus and Tomas into the house to meet with Andy who is acting especially strange. Nikki visits him in the kitchen. She convinces him that Rose is trying to tear them apart. 

Mouse and Fr. Bennett visit Maria in Chicago. Maria who is possessed by Pazuzu.

Dinner with the family is quite intense. Andy is being ridiculous.

Mouse and Bennett demand information from Maria about the conspiracy in the church.

Harper tells Marcus about the strange things she heard in the woods the night before.

Marcus and Tomas talk with Rose and Andy about their work.

Marcs challenges Andy and knows that there's a demon present.

Andy is upset with Rose when he leans she knew why they were there.

Marcus and Tomas come up with a plan to fight Andy and his demon. Tomas admits that he should never have let the demons in.

Maria's demon exposed secrets about Mouse. Apparently she knows Marcus. Bennett is injured. Maria is dead after Mouse shoots her before she talks about what happened in The Abbey with Marcus.

Andy and Rose talk about Nikki's death. They start kissing. Harper wakes up. She's scared when her mom shows up. Nikki shows up while Andy tires to get it on with Rose. Harper's mm pulls out a knife to force her to leave with her. They start to leave the house when Marcus and Tomas show up. Upstairs things are getting very weird. The demon is taking control and is hurting Rose. Marcus and Tomas are fighting Harper's mom.

Andy kills Harper's mom with the butcher knife in front of the kids. The demon has taken control of him.

Marcus and Tomas start their exorcism. 




The Exorcist
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The Exorcist Season 2 Episode 6 Quotes

Hello, Andy. You've made quite a mess.


Nikki: I thought you'd be happy to see me. Wait, are you scared?
Andy: No.
Nikki: Then why do you keep pulling away when this is everything you ever wanted?
Andy: I think I'm losing my mind.