The Tell-Tale Heart - The Fall of the House of Usher Season 1 Episode 5
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Verna's bar. Madeline and Roderick are running away from something. They create alibis. Madeline talks to Verna. Roderick kisses some woman.

Roderick attends the funerals but keeps seeing ghosts of his dead children in the states they were when they died.

The remaining children meet up to strategize, but Victorine feels left out. They talk about their father.

Frederick decides to take his wife home despite the doctor advising against it.

Alessandra and Victorine argue when Alessandra learns Victorine faked Alessandra's signature. Alessandra decides to leave.

Victorine's office. She keeps hearing a chirping sound. Madeline visits her.

Dupin and Pym argue about a continuance.

Dupin reveals there was never an informant.

Young Madeline meets Rufus and pitches a computer idea. Rufus brings out his ugly.

Young Dupin, Madeline, Annabel, and Roderick plan how to take down Rufus and Fortunato.

Madeline and Roderick plan how to deal with Verna.

In a meeting with Verna, Victorine keeps hearing the chirping sound.

Alessandra doesn't return Victorine's calls.

Tarmalene and Bill argue, and some nasty things are said. Bill decides to leave.

Roderick thinks of committing suicide after thinking about what might be happening.

Roderick visits Victorine to check on her progress. They can both hear the chirping sound.

Victorine remembers killing Alessandra, opening her up, and putting a mechanical heart in her chest.

She and Roderick find Alessandra's dead body. Victorine stabs herself.

The Fall of the House of Usher
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The Fall of the House of Usher Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

I'm sorry, Dad, she's… she's not being a team player, but you see, it works.


Rufus: We are all at fucking battle stations right now. I am the commanding officer, and I don't wanna hear anything that isn't, "Sir, yes, sir." Do you get me?
Roderick: I get you.
Rufus: Then say it.
Roderick: Sir, yes, sir.