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The Thinker is following Rebecca Sharpe, another meta-human who three years ago had a bad case of stinking luck. Elsewhere, Cisco, Barry, and Caitlin lose in a game of laser tag.

Harry Wells return to Earth-1 and gives Wally some disappointing news. She has done some thinking and decided that they should break up.

The team is alerted that something is going on at the bank and Barry rushes over. Rebecca is causing everyone to experience bad luck while she goes to rob the bank.

After failing to capture her,  Barry returns to the team to investigate the new meta further. Joe and Cecile deal with house damages which isn't cheap at all.

Barry goes home to see Iris but accidentally sees her in her wedding dress. He reveals to her that they didn't get the preferred venues for their wedding.

The Thinker continues to observe Rebecca while the Mechanic wonders why they haven't recruited her yet. The team goes to look for Rebecca.

They discover that Rebecca got her powers when Barry escaped the Speed Force. Joe gets an SOS from Cecile and begs Barry to rush him to the house.

There is another water leak that Barry takes care of.  Barry runs to Jitters where Rebecca is located at.

Barry tries to talk some sense to her about the crimes she has committed. Rebecca doesn't care though as she is tired of having to suffer from bad luck.

She begins to affect everyone in the coffee shop as she gets away. Barry and Iris deal with their wedding plans and find a church they can get married at.

But the minister gets sick and can't go through with it. Cisco goes to talk with Harry to see what's really going on with him on Earth-2.

Things go crazy when everything starts to get a case of bad luck. A powerful generator is about to go off while a plane is crashing.

Barry rushes down to the casino where Rebecca is at. But he is struck by bad luck and accidentally cuffs himself.

Harry tries to stop it but instead lets the generator go off and release massive energy into the whole city. Rebecca loses her game and is taken down.

Later on, Harry goes to apologize to Cisco. Wally informs the whole team that he needs to take some time off to find himself.

He bids the team farewell and leaves Star Labs. Harry and the team start to figure out that maybe someone is using them to create new metas.

Elsewhere, The Thinker has been spying on the team this whole time. In a post-credit scene, Joe comes home to learn big news from Cecile: she is pregnant.

The Flash
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The Flash Season 4 Episode 3 Quotes

Cecile: Funny thing, babe.
Joe: Mhm?
Cecile: I've actually had a change of heart.
Joe: Really? You want to stay? Really?
Cecile: You told me you couldn't have a better place to raise your kids and it made me look at this house with new house. Especially after I found out...Joe, I'm pregnant! Joe? Joe?!

Joe: What's wrong, Wally?
Wally: You guys tell me. The city was about to blow up, no one realized I wasn't here.
Iris: Where did you go?
Wally: I went to Earth-2 to talk to Jesse, hear it from her. She told me she needs to focus on herself and I get it. And I think I have to do the same, right? So...I'm leaving Central City.
Joe: Where are you going?
Wally: I'm going to go stay with a friend in Blue Valley for a while.
Barry: Every hero has to go on their own journey. If it takes you on a new path, you owe it to yourself to go.