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Shaun continued to struggle because all of the noise in the emergency room, but he managed to push through thanks to Morgan telling people to ask him about the surgery. 

Dr. Lim was dying, and Morgan decided to go with Ecmo instead of a bypass, and Andrews helped her through the surgery via video chat. 

In the end, Dr. Lim survived, and it allowed her to grow closer to Neil. 

Meanwhile, Shaun had to perform a c-section on the pregnant woman with a midwife behind a glass door to give him assistance. 

Shaun did start to meltdown, but he managed to pull through in the nick of time to complete the surgery. 

The child was born but there were complications, so Kellan stepped in to perform CPR while Shaun saved the mother who was bleeding out. 

Dr. Park tried to repair his relationship with his son, and he managed to sort things out because they were in such a deadly scenario. 

By the end of the installment, they met up with Kellan's mother and got closer together once again. 

Meanwhile, Glassman continued to worry that his cancer was back, and Lea wanted him to tell Shaun. 

Glassman lashed out and said that Lea will only leave Shaun again when she chews him up and spits him back out again. 

The Good Doctor
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The Good Doctor Season 2 Episode 11 Quotes

Nurse: Dr. Murphy?
Morgan: Don't yell, it will only make it worse.
Nurse: Okay, what should I do?
Morgan: Tell him about the surgery. Give him every detail you can.

Nurse: Dr. Murphy, you need to make the cut.
Shaun: No.