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President Jeffrey Michener makes an announcement from the historic old court house in St. Louis, Missouri on his 154th day in office. He states that the American reconstruction plan continues on pace.

In southern Japan, a family is shown to be gravely ill. A cure they received from the U.S. that was promised to work isn't helping them.

Lt. Kara Foster tries to videocall her husband, Lieutenant Daniel Joshua "Danny" Green, a leader of the Naval Mountain Warfare Special Forces Unit aboard the Nathan James. But another system is interfering with the connection. Danny is on the South China Sea, as part of the Operation Healing Breath, and hopes to bring the cure to Vietnam.

 CO CDR Tom Chandler receives his ration book, which honors the late Dr. Rachel Scott with her picture on the coupons.

Allison tells Tom that they've heard from the southern island of Japan that the cure doses were ineffective. He insists that Dr. Scott was sure the cure was effective, so they needs more proof its not working. The president wants to send Tom to Asia to check on the progress of the cure.

Tom travels to Vietnam and serves as Chief of Naval Operations. He notes the large number of personnel watching him. He sets out to meet with Chinese President, Peng Wu, and confronts him with the fact that the cure hasn't reached everyone in Chin and across. Wu responds by questioning why the U.S. is helping his enemies.

People in one of the most popular nightclubs in Vietnam later celebrate Tom's success of having the cure spread throughout the country. While at the club, Danny is informed that he's being sent home to America on a cargo plan. But he club is then attacked, and the U.S. officers are targeted.

The Last Ship
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The Last Ship Season 3 Episode 1 Quotes

I'm happy to announce that our American reconstruction plan continues on pace.


Kara, if you can hear me, tell Frankie that Daddy loves him, and I can't wait to meet him.
