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We pick up one month after Topher's death.

Jordan and Cain go to an oil rig to treat patients after an accident.

Annie is back with a VA patient who needs surgery. Scott puts Paul on the case.

One of the oil rig patients is brought in with an amputated hand.

TC learns that he is the executor of Topher's will.

Jordan and Cain treat a patient who has to be cut off the rig after being impaled.

A young boy in Syria needs surgery, but TC can't use the OR on base. 

The man Annie brought in was Scott's sponsor. He said Scott's relapse was his fault. 

Scott can't re-attach the man's hand to his arm, but suggests that they attach the hand to his leg while his arm heals. 

Jordan and Cain have to operate on their patient in the ambulance. 

TC's patient is cleared for transport to the base. 

Annie tries to convince Scott to operate on Alan. He crashes and Scott has no choice but to do the surgery. 

Drew discovers his patient has lead poisoning that may have been from contaminated water on the rig. 

TC operates on the boy. 

Alan survives his surgery. 

Annie jumps off a bridge. 


The Night Shift
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The Night Shift Season 4 Episode 3 Quotes

Scott: I'm going to need you to prepare him. The state of that arm, I don't think we're going to be able to save his hand.
Drew: Great, this job's hard enough to do with two hands, how's he going to do it with one?
Scott: Maybe the tests will tell a different story, but I wouldn't count on it.

Jordan: So it's okay for you to go out there, but not for me?
Cain: Yes, because I am more expendable.
Jordan: Wow, you have a God complex like the rest of us?
Cain: I used to, but my old life in Mexico beat it out of me.
Jordan: It's pretty rough down there, huh?
Cain: I was referring to my ex-wife.