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Alison was under the impression Purging would make her feel better, but she's suddenly discovered it makes her feel worse. When Jane physically attacks her while screaming, "Why did you do this," Alison says Jane isn't so clean herself because she's seen her computer.

Kudos to Alison for at least taking the plunge herself. She has to carry the full weight of her burden.

Jane tries to call off her kill, but she seems to be forgetting that she was told quite clearly there is no backsies.

Jemma ran to Lila when faced with the death of that fella at the hands of Lila's father, and while in each other's arms, Jemma remembers talking with Nick about the first time they had their threesome and determined it wouldn't be a one-time thing because they were so evolved.

Miguel runs back to Pete the Cop for more help. He's still bartending, so he's not my masked hero. 

There is another carnival of death out there where a bunch of people has decided they are untouchable while others are nothing but victims. They're auctioning off martyrs as if everyone comes right off the bus. Since some people are trying like hell to get away, they're not all just playing along.

Lila admits the only reason she came home was that Jemma completely ghosted her and she needs her. She wants to be a part of their family, more just with Jemma, but she'll be one-on-one with Jemma if she'll have her. Jemma is reluctant to give up Rick because it's his baby, too.

Penelope wonders if the carnival aka the McDonalds of Purge "helps." The woman she asks laughs in her face and tells Penelope she'd rather go out swinging.

Jane is in the street, running half backward with a hammer. Because that will really fend off the Purgers.

She manages to pick the only dark alley with burning barrels scarcely inhabited but still walks at a snail's pace as if she has no idea where she is going.

Pete introduces Miguel to The Cowboy as a way to help find Penelope. He speaks in riddles and life lessons. 

Jane finally gets thrust down in the street and given a drug before a Winnebago of women rolls up to save her. Her fear proves she is the last person who should be out alone.

Jemma recalls Nick arriving home to a secret Jemma/Lila rendezvous. She felt like she was cheating even though the three of them do that kind of stuff together. Their deal was they would only do it together. 

Jemma might have made a mistake in choosing Nick publicly at the party over Lila. 

There are only tens of thousands of reported sexual assaults on Purge night, and I'm not quite sure why they are "reported."

With crime being so rare these days, women get a false sense of security and forget how bad things can get.

The older fella who thinks Penelope is his daughter is sold for a whopping $55. It's ridiculous that people are spending MONEY on "martyrs" instead of breaking into houses and killing people just for the fun of it. What kind of Purge is this, anyway?

Marge is Triage Woman #1. She gets a call that some people need help. Jane is suddenly a part of the group, and she couldn't be more reluctant. 

The voting for Penelope starts at $600, and she goes for two grand, so that's not bad. She appears to know the dude who bought her and screams. She's not really all that down with "helping and giving" when it comes to a close friend, is she?

Miguel is sad to discover The Cowboy is a "collector" and has a kicking, screaming human in the back of his car.

The bell rings at the McMansion. The festivities are about to begin and daggers are being delivered on silver platters. Nick moves forward, but Jemma wants to rush up after Lila. It's then when the maid says, "You need to leave this house," as if that's not something she already knows.

The Dermot Mulroney type radio host is blathering on again. The man in the iron mast finds a couple murdered in a deli and it's Lee Turgesen.

The Purge
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The Purge Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Penelope: What is this place?
Woman: This place? It's like the McDonalds of Purge.

I'm just a little short in the rich daddy department.
