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It's game night in Beverly Hills, which means it time for Lisa Rinna and Kim Richards to come face to face after last year's reunion. It was awkward from the moment they saw each other, despite the fact that Kim is now sober and in a good place with the impending birth of her first granddaughter. 

Despite the fact that Eileen and Dorit also still have tension between them and have trouble coming to an agreement about what was said about Eileen's mother's death at Camille's lunch, the women have fun playing games like "running charades" and "the puppet game," even though there were a few digs thrown at Rinna from Vanderpump since she called her the "puppet master" last season.

After the games are over, the real ones begin when Eileen tells Kyle that Dorit brought up her name at lunch and supported her underwear gift to Erika. Kyle denies her involvement, but Dorit points out that she was with her when she bought the underwear. The conversation shifts to Dorit's dinner party and the comments made about Rinna's father and Eileen's mother, and Kim steps in. 

Kim and Rinna fight about last season and Kim's comments about Harry. Kim still denies talking about Rinna's husband and demands Rinna apologize for attacking her and her sobriety in the past. Eden stepped in and Rinna apologizes to Kim, but it's clear the two of them will never be friends.

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills
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