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Everyone has differing emotions about learning Bethenny was quitting the show. 

Luann and Ramona seemed happy, while Sonja and Dorinda were upset about it. 

Tinsley was on the fence. 

Luann finally got off probation and was grinning from ear-to-ear, and opted to stay away from alcohol. 

Tinsley revealed she was in a relationship with some dude named Bruce, and admitted that hates the name, but liked his kids. 

Leah told her she split up with her boyfriend because he decided to put his divorce on hold. 

Tinsley brought Leah to Dorinda's party. 

Leah was a hit with the ladies, telling them about her life, but the insanity kicked off when Tinsley thought it was a good idea to ambush Dorinda. 

Dorinda was unimpressed and the two bickered. Leah called Dorinda "crazy," and said that she needed to dial it back. 

Ramona had a meltdown because she was worried that she was going to die alone, so she tried to get her feelings off her chest. 

This caused more problems for her when she tried to get close to her friends again. 

Luann had a tough time trying to get closer to Sonja because she previously dropped her like a hot potato. 

The Real Housewives of New York City
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The Real Housewives of New York City Season 12 Episode 1 Quotes

I feel abandoned all over again, my daughter's just gone off to college, and now I don't have Bethenny. It's a lot.


Tinsley: She never said anything about not being back.
Ramona: To me that's an F you. I'm sorry, it's an F you.