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Someone sends Sonja a link to a story about Bethenny and Ramona’s fight at the fashion show. Ramona tells Sonja she brought up Bethenny’s first marriage in conversation with Heather and Heather turned around and told Bethenny. Ramona can’t wait to throw her New Beginnings Party. 

The construction is done at Bethenny’s apartment and the place is gorgeous. Carole visits and Bethenny jokes about Adam. Bethenny says she feels hypocritical going to Ramona’s New Beginnings party because she’s afraid she’ll release her anger on her. 

John tells Dorinda he wants to live together. He wants to take things to the next level and he does have a ring. Dorinda seems less than enthused.  

Sonja’s upset because she feels Kristen slammed her in the press at her fashion show by asking where was the toaster oven. Sonja decides she doesn’t want to be friends with Kristen anymore and complains to the ladies at the party. Kristen tries to explain that the reporter specifically asked her about the toaster oven, that’s why she spoke about it. Sonja doesn’t accept that explanation.

Bethenny arrives at the party and Ramona waylays her as soon as she gets off the elevator. Ramona says she apologizes but Bethenny wants her to specify for which specific slight. She tells Ramona that new beginnings sounds like a bunch of bull-sh*t. Ramona still denies telling Heather that she cheated on her first husband but later relents and says she did and that she shouldn’t have. Bethenny accepts the apology. 

LuAnn says that seeing Adam with Carole in public make her ill and she feels like she was hoodwinked. When Carole tries to talk to her about it, LuAnn continues to be passive aggressive. Can their friendship survive?

The Real Housewives of New York City
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