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The Queen is celebrating her birthday and that means a drama-filled-family-feast. 

Helena isn't exactly thrilled to be celebrating her birthday. She's more or less throwing herself a pity party as she knows this is the last year she'll celebrate as Queen. 

She wakes up on her birthday surprised to see Sebastian, Eleanor's friend, by her side. 

She tries to explain that when her mother is in town, she self-medicates with men and that their hook-up was a one-time thing, but when he shows up to the birthday dinner, she reconsiders. 

In the end, she succumbs to his charms; it is her birthday gift to herself, after all.

After Robert proposed, Willow gave him the answer no man wants to hear: maybe. 

He wasn't too distraught, allowing her to "take her time" with such a vital decision. It didn't take long before she agreed to be his wife. They planned to make the announcement at dinner, however, Robert blurted it out after his mother threw wine at him and ordered him to excuse himself. 

Not exactly a warm welcome. 

Liam brought Katherine to the dinner which made things awkward since she previously dated Robert. 

Eleanor and Jasper remained a united front with the Princess sticking it to Robert for not approving of their relationship. 

The Dutchy and her Count also attended dinner where the latter told everyone how proud he was of his son. 

Later in the evening, Jasper confronted his father who admitted to shooting him in order to "make up" for being a terrible parent and ruining his life.

Although Jasper didn't see it at first, Eleanor agreed that in a twisted way, he finally allowed them to be together publicly. 

His father pulled the plug on the Count Bellagio act and revealed his true identity to Robert. He also ordered him to "fix" his problem with his commoner son before he leaked the full story to the press. 

Backed into a corner, King Robert told Jasper he was going to make him a Knight. 

After such a long day, Robert thought he would find comfort in Willow's arms but instead, he found a half-dressed Cassandra in his room. 

To make matters worse, she told him that Willow wasn't as innocent as he made her out to be and that she was actually playing him. 

In fact, she made him believe that Willow was in love with Liam and not him.

She then assured him sometime in the future, he'd give her a call and she'd be waiting. 

Meanwhile, Cyrus struggled to accept his new refugee status. 

He even encountered a man, Aston Lang, who has held a grudge against him because he was booted out of the Embassy during Cyrus' reign. 

Before the Queen's annual birthday wave on the balcony, she talks to Hansel von Liechtenstein, Crown Prince of Liechtenstein, who was her special guest at the dinner. 

As they spoke, Hansel suddenly lost his accent and oddly called her mom. Is this another biological son?

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The Royals Season 4 Episode 6 Quotes

It’s a birthday party darling, not a pity party. Oh, and keep your chin up or the crown slips. And besides, it helps to disguise your advanced age.


Robert: How are you feeling Jasper?
Jasper: I’ll live…