Going Into the Past - The Sinner
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Cora remembers a birthday party for Phoebe. Her 19th. Mom almost said goodbye. Phoebe suggests she drink wine more often.

Phoebe gets a dress from Cora that's "perfect for the beach," somewhere she'll never get. When Cora eyes the clock, Phoebe wonders if she has plans.

Phoebe wants to go with Cora. Cora won't take her, even for an hour. Phoebe says she'll start screaming if she doesn't get to go.

Phoebe puts on her dress and is determined to walk on her own down the stairs.

Phoebe is tickled with JD. She's not too bad socializing despite never having done it before.

JD offers Phoebe a pill, which she eagerly pops. It could kill her. Too late now.

Is the body in the ground Maddie's...or Phoebe's?

It's last call, and the scene Cora remembers is much different now because Cora was always a part of it.

Cora peed herself. Cora doesn't know how to tell JD because she knows he'll be angry. While in the water, Phoebe begins to panic. Cora calls it peaking.

Out on the bank, Cora looks at Phoebe in the water. Does she consider leaving her there?

They arrive at the Beverwyck Club. Frankie wonder what took them so long. He had been squating there for the past few days.

There was something between Frankie and Phoebe. Cora decides to leave Phoebe alone with Frankie and go into the basement with JD.

Frankie and Phoebe get close. He seems very nice and it's hard to know if he's being serious or not. But given what he said about a girl he was once close to, it could very well be.

Whoever JD wants to do business with begins rubbing Cora's knee and thigh in a suggestive way. His name is Todd, and Maddie comes in to take the pressure off, but JD tells her to leave. He's tired of hanging around all the time and wants her to leave. She doesn't have a car.

After Cora discovers the ex-girlfiends she's been hearing about was Maddie, she decides she has to go find Phoebe. Except she can 't find Phoebe.

Upstairs there is a maskes man inside the house. He pulls off the mask and laughs in Cora's face.

Cora goes outside in search of Phoebe. She finds Phoebe dancing with Frankie.

Phoebe decies to stay. She's never going home. Phoebe loses her virginity and pushes Cora to be a giant.

Phoebe dies doing something she loves, but Cora goes nuts.

The Sinner
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The Sinner Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Phoebe: What happened to you? Something happened 'cause you're so sad.
Maddie: No, I'm not.
Phoebe: Yes, you are. It's all around you. I'm so sorry.

Are you not entertained?
