Confronting Her Past - The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon
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Isabelle isn't impressed with Daryl wanting to go to Paris, but she rolls with it.

They're in a cemetery and Fallou spots them. She tells him that Pere Jean is dead and he's taken aback they have Laurent with them.

He takes them to his settlement and Daryl wants to use the radio but Fallou says they send messages that take about a month.

Daryl prepares to leave, but Fallou says he knows someone that could help get him back to the U.S. But they need a currency.

Isabelle and Daryl go to her apartment and break in and get the drugs, but they meet the girl from the previous episode. She's a zombie.

They go to the club and start making deals to find out if Daryl can get back across the water.

Isabelle is stunned to learn that Quinn is the person leading the club and even more so when he tells her had an affair with Izzy and that Laurent is his son.

Isabelle lashes out and he complains that he helped save her life. Daryl doesn't want his help and Isabelle is annoyed about Daryl trying to play hero.

Back at Fallou's the pair have the mother of all arguments and Laurent listens into it, learning that Quinn is his father. He rushes off as Codron and his men appear and lay waste to the settlement.

Daryl fights Codron on a rooftop and falls through.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon
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The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Quinn: Paris is bedlam. My mate Olly's got a place in the Dordogne. We can stay there as long as we want.
Isabelle: I can't just go. Right now, I need a -- I need to change my clothes and go home.
Quinn: Okay, okay. No problem. We'll do that, go to your place, pick up whatever you need.

Isabelle: Did you used to watch that TV show?
Daryl: Yeah, me and my brother used to watch it. When we were young. We loved that show. Used to make everything just a little bit better, you know?
Isabelle: I understand. Wanting to escape.