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Hope heads off on a mission as the rest of the teenagers await word on moving on. 

Hope finds herself in a lot of trouble when she arrives at the place to sound the siren. 

With walkers popping up everywhere, it's a deadly battle to the rooftop. 

When she gets there, the crank breaks and she can't start the power. 

Felix and Huck arrive and chastize the teens for going on the run. 

Ultimately, though, they work together to get out of the junkyard. 

Silas reveals details of his past, while Hope tells Iris the truth about the shot. 

Meanwhile, things take a turn at the CRM when one of the agents complains about what they did. 

Elizabeth tells him they have a great community, but he says he won't be able to live with it. 

She puts him in solitary for the rest of his life. 

The Walking Dead: World Beyond
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The Walking Dead: World Beyond Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Parker: I can't get what we did out of my head.
Elizabeth: Stand at attention. You know what we did, Parker. You know exactly what we did, so tell me, say it.
Parker: We neutralized a threat.
Elizabeth: That's right.
Parker: Ma'am, with respect, they didn't seem like a threat.

Elizabeth: We have energy, water, medicine, transport, a council, the courts, schools, culture, currency, economy, agriculture, manufacturing, rule. We are the last light of the world. We are the last hope, and we, us, we enable this population of over 200,000 souls to live to create the future. They didn't seem like a threat? They were going to be.
Parker: I don't know if I believe that.
Elizabeth: Sit down, Parker. I'll get you some soup.