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44 hours of constant hordes leads the team to believe that Alpha is planning something. Gamma shows up and demands they meet with the villain at the border. 

The remaining Highwaymen say they want to get revenge on her, but Michonne counters that they don't have enough resources to do anything. 

At the meeting, Carol tries to shoot Alpha after she asks for more land. Alpha lets her go, but Carol continues to see Whisperers. 

Everyone thinks Carol is not mentally stable. Carol gets attacked by walkers at the school and a Whisperer torments her. 

At the end, the Whisperer comes back to life, confirming the Whisperers are planning an attack. 

Negan and Aaron go on a separate mission but Aaron is wounded so Negan steps in to save him, even after they bicker like hell. 

Rosita turns to Eugene and tells him that it's time they spoke about things. She tells him that there's no way she'd ever get in a relationship with him. 

Eugene is upset but starts to accept the fact that they will never be anything more than good friends. 

The Walking Dead
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The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 3 Quotes

Alpha: You should fear me.
Carol: I don't. I look at you and I feel nothing at all.
Alpha: Is that right? The blonde boy, he screamed your name just before we took his head.

Alpha: There is one rule between our people. One law: Stay where you are. Yet, you disobey.
Daryl: That fire would have destroyed your land.
Alpha: Fire is nature to burn. We have no conflict with nature.
Michonne: It would have wiped out one of our communities. We were not gonna sit back and let that happen. You can understand that. We crossed one time.
Alpha: Three times. During the fire, you walked my land. And during the winter storm, you walked my land. During your search along the river, you and the man with the metal arm walked my land. That's three times. We are always watching. What did I tell you about crossing my border? You have to be punished. But I consider context, there will be no bloodshed this time.
Michonne: So, what do you want?
Alpha: Land. The creek that winds into the valley, that is your new southern border. We will mark the new border to the North.
Carol: That will cut off our hunting grounds. We don't have to stand here and listen to this--
Michonne: Carol.
Alpha: To this what?
Carol: To this bullshit.
Daryl: That's it, come on. We're done. Let's go.
Alpha: We're not ... not until this one lowers her eyes to my feet.