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Lance and Leah lead separate teams to pursue Maggie and the residents of the Hilltop.

Things go awry when Maggie and her team find the Riverbend people.

Maggie says she wants to go on this dangerous mission alone because she could end it.

She and Negan have a moment in which she tells him that she's thankful he saved her son when he needed it and that they could proceed amicably.

Daryl, Gabriel, and Aaron turned on the Commonwealth soldiers during a brutal battle and made their way through some harsh circumstances.

Lance realized what was happening.

Maggie laced the Hilltop home with bombs and Leah sent a group of agents in, but they were all killed.

Leah shot Marco as everyone else split up to get to safety.

Leah caught Maggie and Maggie told her to kill her but they got caught up in a brutal battle and just as Leah tried to kill Maggie, Daryl shot her in the head.

Lance was annoyed, and Daryl shot him in the face. The Commonwealth took over Alexandria, Hilltop, and Oceanside.

But, Lance flipped a coin to decide whether to kill the Oceanside women.

Max worried about what Pamela was up to, and found herself questioning which side to choose.

In the end, the way Pamela acted, made her want to get the file.

Sebastian caught her as he showed up complaining about his mother.

He let her go and implied that he was drunk.

Connie printed a storyline exposing the issues in the Commonwealth with the headline that Pamela Milton is Lying to You.

The Walking Dead
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