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Lance takes Pamela to the Alexandria, and she seems to like what she sees.

However, she's shocked that Lance wants these communities so much, and tells him that they shouldn't over extend their resources.

This causes a division between the pair as they consider what they can do next.

Maggie is against the Commonwealth, but is civil with them. Her plan to restart the Hilltop has largely fallen apart.

Something keeps happening.

An impromptu hunting trip brings her closer to Pamela, but she says she won't be joining.

Lance is left in shock that it isn't happening, and finds himself shooting at walkers.

Aaron comforts him, but there's a darkness behind Lance's eyes because he's losing his grip on power.

Pamela tells him that he can do as he pleases, but it better not mess with his current job at the Commonwealth.

Max tells Eugene they started communicating when she found equipment that let her make a radio.

She tells him it was all real and that she's worried more could be happening.


The Walking Dead
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The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 12 Quotes

Mercer: Apparently, someone on an unauthorized radio station has been talking to a rogue community outside of our walls. Hornsby's all over it. Tell me it wasn't you. Please tell me that you were not about to sneak out to meet some stranger at a rail yard.
Max: What could I say?
Mercer: Max, it's dangerous. For everyone at the Commonwealth, but especially for me and you. I gotta go. You better pray Hornsby doesn't realize that was your voice.

It was just dumb luck, honestly. I found the radio parts in a dumpster behind the municipal building. They'd never be left there for security reasons, so someone clearly thought it was trash. But it wasn't trash. It just needed some love.
