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Realizing that his interrogation tactics did not work, Daryl uses Henry to attempt to befriend Lydia and extract information from her. Determined to prove that Lydia is not a threat, Henry releases her from her cell. Henry shows Lydia the community and what they've built, but she does not believe it's the way things are supposed to be.

Through a series of flashbacks during the beginning of the apocalypse, Lydia remembers her father becoming increasingly psychotic and remembers him eventually being killed by a walker. Lydia attempts to grab a nearby hammer and hit Henry but a screaming baby jolts her memory and she recounts that it was actually her mother that became psychotic and eventually murdered her father.

Realizing that her childhood memories were corrupted by her mother, Lydia asks Henry to take her back to her cell as Daryl is revealed to have been watching everything unfold.

That evening, Yumiko, Magna, Connie, and Kelly sneak out of Hilltop to search for Luke. Yumiko and Magna soon realize that something is not quite right and abort the mission. However, Kelly gets angry with their decision to not look for their friend. Magan and Yumiko head back to Hilltop while Connie comforts Kelly.

The following morning, Connie makes her return to Hilltop but the rest of the group is horrified to discover that the Whisperers have followed her. As the Whisperers approach Hilltop's gates, the group's leader, Alpha, demands Lydia's release.


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The Walking Dead Season 9 Episode 10 Quotes

Daryl: What would your mom do if she crossed some of our people? Would she kill them?
Lydia: If she had to.

Some people ain't meant to be parents.
