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Rebecca and Jack are celebrating Jack's birthday. She's very pregnant, but tradition is tradition. Lingerie and sexy dance before a birthday suited Jack it is!

A very overweight Kate is trying to keep herself from eating with post-its and a well placed scale in the kitchen.

Randall is getting an impromptu birthday party at the office.

Kevin gets two girls dancing in his room. It's his 36th birthday. In fact, it's all of their 36th birthdays.

Rebecca's water breaks.

Kevin is telling the girls when his life changed. It was in 1986 when Christa McCulliffe was supposed to change the world by going up in the space shuttle, but instead she blew up into little pieces all over Florida.

Kate calls Kevin. She hurt her ankle when she fell off the scale. How did she get here? How did they get here? Kevin thinks it's the Challenger explosion. Give up on the Challenger explosion.

She wants him to tell her to lose the weight. He'll tell her everything she wants to hear, but he won't tell her to lose the damn weight.

At the hospital, Rebecca and Jack meet Dr. Katowski. He's Polish because they're in Pittsburgh. Rebecca's doctor won't be joining them. He's screaming in agony because his appendix broke. Dr. K. is a sweet man.

I don't run wind sprints as fast as I used to, but I still have all my faculties.

On the set of his TV show, Kevin is trying to breast feed a baby to the howling, approving laughter of his audience. It's terrible. He has to stop filming. He knows Ryan Gosling wouldn't do this.

Randall and Beth are at their kids' soccer game. He tells her he found his birth father, but he had no intention of meeting him.

Kate is going to a weight loss support group. Or an overweight support group. There is a skinny person there who doesn't think anybody understands what she's going through with those extra seven pounds around her midsection.

Toby laughs at one gals confession, and Kate laughs with him. They meet during the break. He admits he probably won't lose the weight. Kate can't fall for a fat person right now. Then he'll lose the weight.

Rebecca is struggling through the labor. Dr. K. is almost glad Schneider's appendix burst, because he likes them. But they need to talk. Jack refuses. It's his birthday and he gets lucky on his birthday, and he's leaving the hospital with three healthy babies and one healthy wife.

Randall goes to see his birth father. After laying it on thick, he goes in with him. William shares his story. Then Randall takes him home. Screw You, storms out...want to meet your grandchildren?

Robin Thicke joins The Manny as Kevin's dad. Kevin pulls a Hartley and it's beautiful. But it's not funny. It's too emotional and not The Manny. The director wants them to do it again. When he tells Kevin to just lose the shirt because it's better without the shirt, Kevin loses it.

One baby is out, the other two are in distress. Dr. K has to go in.

Randall arrives home. Beth is surprised, but Randall seems to be cracking up. He tells her everything he wants to say or do, he does the opposite. Then he mentions The Manny or What's Happening and starts to laugh. His daughter asks what's happening and he loses it.

Toby and Kate are at dinner. He's entertaining her with fat jokes. He walks her home, and his jokes become sexual. It's kind of uncomfortable. He asks her if she wants to fool around. She does, but it's been a long time since it was even an option. Kevin is there, a little bit drunk.

The Manny's on set meltdown is the biggest news in Hollywood at the moment. Toby wanted a selfie with Kevin's shirt off, so they all sit on the couch watching his meltdown as he's shirtless.

Dr. K. delivers news to Jack. They lost one of the children who was strangled by the umbilical cord. Everyone else is healthy. Doc wants to try to say something meaningful to Jack. He discusses his own losses. His own loss of a child is what sent him onto his journey to save so many other babies along the way.

Randall learns William is dying. He says your dad must have been very proud of you.

Kate cannot believe shes drinking calories. Kevin thinks she can manage after just torpedoing his career.

What dad USED to say.

Now we know. Jack and Rebecca adopted Randall. Pulling back from the scene, you can see it's 1980.


This Is Us
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This Is Us Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Rebecca: I had to put the lingerie on on top of my clothes.
Jack: I see that.
Rebecca: It wasn't a great moment for me.

Rebecca: You promise you love your gift?
Jack: The towel? It's absolutely terrible.