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William writes a letter before packing for the trip.

When Randall is considering packing up the room and how he'll be hip, Beth finds it. 

Kevin is trying to reach the NYT theater critic, but his assistant just hangs up on him. After all, he's already been there once.

The letter was to the girls. William wanted them to plan his memorial. Randall wants to give the eulogy. Annie thinks it sounds sad. A toast then.

Their instructions to Kate? Fifty rainbow colored balloons. Toby is worried about her because of the subject matter.

Jack was at a work party. It's Rebecca's day to go on tour. Jack gets home late. There's a little bit of an argument.

Even though it's stressful, they do find common ground over Sophie nibbling on Kevin's ears, which haven't seen Q-tips in years.

Jesse calls Randall. They said their goodbyes before the trip, but he's still not doing well. He just needed to talk about William. 

Kevin finally gets before the critic. He begs for his attendance.

Randall is surprised to learn the mailman and Randall became good friends when William was on his morning walks. William always asked after his daughter.

He was delivering a box of pears from "the team" at Randall's office. Three years, no vacation and he got a box of generic pears. Thoughtful.

The gang arrives at Randall's for the FUNeral. Kate was so concerned over the ballooons she was getting stressed and then as soon as they got there, the girls popped some to let them fly free.

Jack is home eating Chinese. He decides to go out to a bar, instead.

Beth is having a harder time with William's death than expected. She got no goodbye. What does she get?

She gets to deliver a toast about William. One that sends Kate out the door in tears, but she gets to talk to Randall, who shares his dream about Jack and William meeting each other. William told Jack Randall taught him to drive and Jack thought that was hilarious, sharing his own story about the kids throwing the car into reverse when they shouldn't have done it.

Jack tells his coworker Rebecca is following her dreams in Cleveland. She rightfully says, nobody's dreams are in Cleveland.

Heather takes his hand. He says she's embarrassing him and embarrassing herself.

Tess and Annie have hats for all the guests. They're going to go walk around the neighborhood.

The play is a success even without a critic.

Randall quits his job.

Kate reveals why she's so tight-lipped about her father's death.

This Is Us
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This Is Us Season 1 Episode 17 Quotes

He was a soft armrest for weary souls to lean on.


Beth: I guess I'll cancel the caterers, flowers and white doves
Randall: You got white doves?
Beth: They don't make black ones.