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The fall finale of This Is Us tackles Randall's story in both past and present. 

In the past, Randall convinces his dad to take him on a college tour of Howard University, a historically African American college. This comes as quite the surprise for Jack who assumed that Randall was interested in the likes of Harvard.

Turns out, Randall would rather find a place where he belongs rather than go to an Ivy League school. 

While touring the campus, Randall splits from his dad to hang with some of the boys and get the real college experience. 

Jack finds himself in a situation that Randall has been in multiple times — being the minority. At Howard, Jack was one of the only white people while Randall felt right at home. 

After leaving, Jack takes Randall to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial where he opens up about his time in the Vietnam War.

They rush home when Jack gets an emergency page from Kate about Kevin's football injury. 

Adult Randall finds Beth arguing outside with Shauna who came to get Deja after her charges were dropped. 

Beth refuses to let her see her daughter because there's a process in place that they need to follow. 

Deja hears the commotion and comes outside to act like the adult and tell her mother to follow the rules. 

Shaken up, Randall and Beth reach out to the social worker Linda who advises them that upon a thorough inspection of Shauna's house — which basically includes making sure she stocked up the fridge — she will allow Deja to return to her mother. 

Both Beth and Randall agree that Shauna is not stable enough to parent just yet and decide to get a lawyer involved. 

Before the appointment, Randall seeks advice from his late biological father William. 

Through flashbacks, William details why he didn't inject himself into the Pearson family, even though he had a chance. 

This helps Randall realize that despite their best intentions for Deja, they don't know much about her. They could provide her with a financial stability but they don't know what her previous life was like, what her nicknames are or what she really enjoys. 

They both come to the agreement that even though it is painful, they have to allow her to go back to her mother. 

But before that, they support her during a class presentation where she shows off her new scientific knowledge and acknowledges Randall as her corny "foster dad."

That evening when Shauna comes to pick up Deja, the goodbyes are emotional for everyone. 

The family, that started off rather rocky, has finally found its footing just in time for goodbye. 

Randall offers to babysit and tutor Deja if need be but Shauna rejects it. 

After Deja leaves, Beth tells Randall she would be up for fostering another child.

We see a young African American boy meet with a social worker who promises him they are looking for his forever home.

Meanwhile, Kevin arrives at Randall's place hoping to confide in him about his addiction but instead finds out Kate lost her baby. 

After downing a vodka drink, he leaves in a hurry, clearly unwell. 

He's driving like a maniac when he realizes Randall's older daughter Tess snuck into the backseat of his car. 

Before he can even pull over, he's arrested for a DUI. Beth and Randall are understandably furious. 

This Is Us
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This Is Us Season 2 Episode 10 Quotes

Randall: I hesitated not because you're white but because you're old.
Jack: I'm not that old.
Randall: Yeah, you are.

Life feels like Pac-Man sometimes, I guess. It's the same game all over again. Same board. Same ghosts. Sometimes, you get a bunch of cherries but eventually and inevitably, those ghosts catch up with you.
