This Is Us Multi-Show

17 Mystery-Solving TV Couples

17 Mystery-Solving TV Couples

According to TV swiping right on Tinder isn't the path to true love, but if you start cracking open mysteries you'll be on track to finding your partner.
Posted in: Bones
17 Male TV Characters That Are Probably Feminists

17 Male TV Characters That Are Probably Feminists

Showing support for equality starts with the treatment of women from their male counterparts, with a few male characters taking that in stride already. Which male TV character have you labeled a feminist already?
Posted in: Sense8
TV's 17 Most Heavenly Fathers

TV's 17 Most Heavenly Fathers

WHO’S YOUR DADDY? Favorite TV daddy, that is. In celebration of Father's Day, we‘re counting down the most divine TV dads of this millennium!
Posted in: Multi-Show

This Is Us Quotes

Rebecca: Do you have a dream? Sorry is that a stupid question?
Jack: No. It's just no ones really ever asked me that before. Right now I just want to make sure that my mom is okay. Get her settled at her friend's place, and then I don't know. A decent job, a wife, a family, a house that feels nothing like the house I grew up in. Is that a stupid answer?

Listen to me. Yes, when you made starring quarterback I was psyched cause I was excited to watch you take off. But Kevin, football is not the only thing that you have. You understand?
