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The team is sent back to 1972 to find the missing 18 1/2 minutes of the Watergate tape, but Flynn and his accomplices capture them. When they wake up, they discover that Flynn already has the tape, on which Nixon is heard talking about Rittenhouse. Flynn explains to the other members of the team how he uses Lucy's journal from the future as a guide. Flynn sends out Lucy and Rufus to find the doc for which Nixon is searching, keeping Wyatt as a hostage. Lucy seeks out Mark Felt, the informant known as Deep Throat, to help them, and he describes to them a symbol found at the Watergate break-in. Meanwhile Flynn is trying to turtn Wyatt to his side, telling about the murder of his wife and daughter and his being framed after he found out about Rittenhouse. Rufus explains to Lucy that the symbol is for the Black Liberation Army. At a bar, Rufus drops Eldridge Cleaver's name and convinces Gregory Hayes to help him. Flynn reads to Wyatt from the journal about the events surrounding Wyatt's wife's death, trying to convince him to go back and help him wipe out Rittenhouse. Rufus and Lucy discover that what they're seeking is a woman named Doc, who Rittenhouse is after, because she has memorized the names of the members of Rittenhouse. Rufus calls in again and is told that he has to kill Doc. Rufus unveils the recording device to Lucy and destroys it, and admits what he has been doing. Lucy calls Flynn and Rufus calls Rittenhouse and they set them against each other, with Flynn's squad winning. Meanwhile, Rufus and Lucy go to rescue Wyatt, then send Doc to safety with Hayes. Wyatt wants Rufus to act as a double agent, spying on Rittenhouse. Lucy introduces herself to her biological father, Benjamin Cahill, who is the previously nameless Rittenhouse agent. 

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Timeless Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

These colors just don't exist anymore, not even in nature. Burnt orange, that puke tint between green and yellow.


Christopher: When you find Flynn, maybe you can blind him with that suit.
Wyatt: I look like Greg Brady.
Christopher: Find Marcia and Peter and get going.