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Rufus has figured out how to add a fourth seat to the Lifeboat. A drunken Connor is quoting Shakespeare. He is officially losing control of Mason Industries. Still he is the one who determines that the Mothership went to San Antonio in 1936 because of Robert Johnson's recording sessions with Don Law. Rufus suggests Connor comes along for his blues expertise. Christopher sends Flynn on the mission, keeping back Wyatt. She's sending him on a secret mission against Rittenhouse, gathering intel at the warehouse where Carol held her. A Rittenhouse agent bursts in to kill Robert, but Flynn shoots the agent first. While everyone is arguing with Law, Robert disappears. Lucy talks Law into continuing the recording. Connor and Rufus give Robert a ride to his sister's juke joint. Wyatt gets jumped at the warehouse, but shoots the Rittenhouse agent. Robert thinks he's cursed and wants to disappear. Flynn tries to talk with Lucy, but she's not interested. Muddy Waters, Eddie "Son" House Jr. and Bessie Smith are at the juke joint. Law's girlfriend Betty is a sleeper agent, and she shoots Law, after she learns where Robert is. Wyatt has moved to another Rittenhouse location Jiya located through the dead agent's fob. Jiya and Christopher argue whether Wyatt should have backup. He takes out four agents, but the last pulls the fire alarm. Wyatt can't bring himself to shoot Carol. Nicholas comes out firing, and he and Carol escape in the Mothership. Betty shoots at Robert, but Rufus ruins her aim. Then Connor shoots her. Rufus gives Connor a pep talk, then Connor talks Robert into recording, with Connor as his engineer.  Christopher chastises Wyatt for not taking out Carol. Lucy tells Wyatt that Flynn did great. Jiya tells Rufus her premonition had him dying in the Old West.

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Timeless Season 2 Episode 6 Quotes

Today is the day when I finally lose control of Mason Industries and all of my holdings, the day Connor Mason is officially nobody.

Connor [to Rufus]

Rufus: That 1950s Kenmore sleeper sofa sleeps like a dream. It's like staying at the Four Seasons.
Wyatt: Really?
Rufus: Except there's only ever one season, and that season is winter.