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Ivar announces that his sacrifice is Lagertha, but when the cloak is pulled off, it is clearly not her. He continues to claim that it is and that she's a traitor. The sacrifice is completed. 

Hvitserk calls Ivar out on the fact that it wasn't Lagertha and that he's not a god. The rift between them is growing wider. 

Harald learns that Lagertha, Bjorn, and Ubbe went to Wessex. Alfred learns Harald is on his way and he expects the trio to fight with his army against Harald. 

Alfred asks Ubbe to teach him how to fight. 

Floki and the others search for the missing pregnant woman. They find her dead body buried and they wonder how Floki knew where she was. He said she told him. 

Magnus tells Bjorn that he's fueled by his anger and revenge. He hates King Alfred and tries to convince Bjorn he doesn't have to fight on his side. 

The faction tells Aethelred of their plan to kill Alfred, Heahmund, and the Pagans and make him king. Aethelred says he agrees with the plan. 

Hvitserk visits the Seer and is told that he'll accomplish what others before him have failed to do, but the cost will be high. 

Alfred announces his plan to lead the army into battle. Aethelred changes his mind about betraying his brother. 

Bjorn introduces Magnus to Lagertha and Ubbe. Ubbe doesn't believe his story and doesn't want to betray Alfred. 

Floki expels Eyvand and his entire family from the settlement. 

Ivar kills the Seer when he doesn't tell him what he wants to hear. 

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Vikings Season 5 Episode 14 Quotes

Ubbe: First lesson is not to be afraid. So go and stand by the tree.
Alfred: Why? What are you going to do?
Ubbe: You asked me to teach you how to fight, and I can teach you the ways in which to fight with a sword and ax or a shield to stay alive. If you're afraid, then you're already dead.

Alfred: You must understand, and I think you do understand, that I've taken a huge personal risk to protect you. So I pray that none of you will betray me now.
Ubbe: I will not betray you. I will fight with you against King Harald.