Happy but Injured Mel WIDE - Virgin River Season 2 Episode 2
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Jack goes to Doc’s to talk to Mel and rescues her from the drug-seeking intruder. Mel sprained her ankle in the tussle, and Jack took her home.

Charmaine reluctantly agrees to move in with Hope temporarily.

Mel recommends Hope give Jack some space. Jack tells Hope he forgave her weeks ago, but doesn’t want her involved in his personal life anymore.

Mel tells Jack he’s being harsh to Hope and he reminds her she walked out on him without any explanation.

Paige tells Wes she and Christopher aren’t leaving Virgin River. He reminds her she’s a fugitive from the law. During their argument, Wes falls down the stairs and breaks his neck. Paige calls Preacher over for help.

Paige says she will be arrested for sure, since Wes is a cop and he’s always been believed over her. Wes had a restraining order against her before she ran away. She asks Preacher to take Christopher for her since she has no family and doesn’t want him to be in the system.

Preacher convinces Paige to run away with Christopher and leave hiding the body to him. Preacher tells Jack she had to leave town for a family emergency.

Muriel asks Doc over for dinner and he accepts (at Hope’s insistence).

Jack reaches out to a Marine buddy, LAPD Detective Mike Valenzuela, for help with the addict who attacked Mel.

Mel apologizes for both leaving and returning to Virgin River without telling Jack. He tells her he doesn’t want to be just friends with her.

Mel attempts to abandon the conversation and breaks down in her car after it won’t start. Jack goes to comfort her and takes her home, where they sleep together for the first time.

Virgin River
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Virgin River Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Mel: You’ll see. They’ll all get along.
Doc: Oh, I know you don’t believe that.

By the way, don’t even think about doing something stupid, because the next time I find you, I’m not gonna be so nice.
