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Four months ago.

We're at a rodeo! This must be Walker's undercover operation. There is a cool dude ropin'. His name is Clint.

A gal starts chatting with Cordell. She's sporting a nametag as if she just came over from work. His name? Duke. He wants to show off his skills in front of Clint, who calls him Dick.

The girl gives "Duke" a tip for his ride that we don't get to see. Her name is Twyla.

The text on Auggie's phone was from Twyla. She wants Duke, fresh out of jail, to get to the Jarrow Mote. Urgent.

Trey has a new job as director of sports medicine at Sacred Heart. Or, he's a coach. Maybe he's both.

Trey was looking into Vegas flights so that he can introduce Micki to his mother. Micki doesn't take it well. She lives in the space where meeting the parents is still a big deal, I guess.

Walker gets his groove on as Duke, which requires a shirtless scene, a black T-shirt with black cowboy boots, and a baseball cap.

An FBI agent is in the office talking nastily about Walker and his ability to bring his case, Operation Watch the Throne, to completion. Walker was tasked with identifying who was associated with the Rodeo Kings robbery crew out of 92 potential candidates. Twyla was a bank employee, and the FBI agent thinks that Walker had something to do with missing money.

Liam refused to put his brother on the stand to blow his cover and put them all in jeopardy, and Tessa doesn't think much of that. Walker went dark for long stretches, so he must be dirty. She thinks they're making a run at the missing cash.

They have CCTV footage of Walker arriving at the Jarrow. Micki and Liam think it's ridiculous, but FBI lady is sooo sure that he's meeting  Twyla to run off with $300k.

Micki goes undercover on Walker's undercover op, exposing herself when Jackson goes after Duke. Gun's on the table, Micki is calling herself Adriana, an old buddy of Duke's.

Everyone seems to be at the joint. Walker even calls in Liam to get him involved, contacting James to arrest the gang tonight. Oh. No. THAT was a flashback. Liam pushed the operation too far, and it seems it went wrong.

Auggie makes a mess of everything. And it's embarrassing. I can't even.

Trey is a great role model for Stella who is still struggling with her father's absence.

A lot of info about the case comes into existence, and Micki helps Walker put an end to it for good. Liam and Walker talk about what happened.

Walker assures his kids that the past is the past, but it doesn't seem that simple.

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Walker Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

I've missed that aftershave.


Micki: So, you know. Has anyone asked Walker his side of things?
Liam: His side? This woman is in the town where his family lives, where someone can make him at any moment and his kids would be at risk. He's trying to get her out of Austin. You know, if he's gone back under, it's as a last resort because Cordell hated who he had to become as Duke.