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 The Season 2 premiere begins three months after the Season 1 finale. The Walker men and Trey are bonding and jogging. The kids are getting ready to return to school.

Micki is undercover and stole a car. She's a total badass! She tells the guy she's working with that she learned her skills from an old friend.

Gale Davidson stopped by the ranch and announced they'd returned. Abeline is horrified. So is Liam when he finds out Denice Davidson has replaced him as the head ADA. He gets even more upset when he sees Cordell being friendly to her.

Captain James is worried about keeping Micki in play too long, but she needs Spider to lead her to the boss.

Stella and Auggie have a run-in with Colton Davidson. They exchanged words, and he insulted Stella, which led Auggie to punch him. The family feud is affecting the next generation, and the principal and Trey want it to end.

Micki and Spider are doing trivia at a bar and talking about the one that got away. He agrees to call his boss. Trey appears and almost blows her cover.

At the bar, Liam is still angry Denice has his job. Cordell doesn't want to reignite an old family feud. However, when Denice and her husband Dan arrive, he and Liam take shots at each other.

Cordell and Denice want to end the feud. Trey tells Cordell Micki is undercover because of him, so he goes to help her.

Cordell scares Micki by showing up, but they manage to outwit the suspects.

Cordell and Captain James watch Micki meet the boss and someone else, who apparently is an ex of hers.


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Walker Season 2 Episode 1 Quotes

Micki: Does he know about your theory that he was the target and not just Stan?
James: Hell no! I'm keeping an eye on him.

Here I thought it was grand theft nostalgia.
