College Dorm - Whiskey Cavalier
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The team is assigned a mission where they have to go undercover at a college campus. Their suspect is a student who they believe is a terrorist

Standish has to run point on the mission and poses as the target Jung's college roommate and classmate.

He can't connect with the target who is rude and condescending and thinks Standish is a nuisance. Will and Frankie try to coach Standish through his assignment with Will being the encouraging one and Frankie opting for a tough love approach. They bicker over Standish like he is there child.

Standish saves thr target from two people who turn out to be Will and Frankie posing as assassins coming after them,.and that is when the target let's his guard down with Standish.

His government has him making weapons and using his skills and funding his schooling. He has a person sent to monitor him who the others take down.

The target runs away from Standish's custody but then he arranges a plan where they kill the target for being insubordinate. But the target is wearing a bullet proof vest and free after that to go to a new school under a different name.

Ray was babysitting his niece, but goes on the mission and poses as a coach.

Susan and Jai get wrapped up in a soap opera like scandal on the surveillance footage involving a professor and his student.

Whiskey Cavalier
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