A Plan Moves Forward - Why Women Kill
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Harriet was Bertram's first kill. She wanted candles and music. She wasn't afraid to die and wants Bertram to celebrate. She was his mother, and Bertram was less than ten.

Bertram dreams of Aunt Martha. He knows what's expected of him. He tells Alma about the dream.

She practically asks him to kill her, and Bertram says he has the urge again and might have a complete mental breakdown. Maybe he should visit a psychiatrist. Alma is like, uh, no. But he has to do something to rid himself of this compunction!

Bertram calls for Timothy Keegan.

Rita is talking to a woman named Amy on the phone. She's busy changing the votes away from Alma.

Isabel is disgusted at Rita's quest for revenge. But all Rita wants is a little sympathy.

Scooter finds Catherine and Carlo in the park, and he tries to get under her skin. He gets mustard on his shirt and strips it off to get her attention. He asks her to the movies, and she says yes.

Alma gets a telegram that she's the new member and there's a reception at 2.

Dee says that daddy went to Oxnard and will be back the next day.

It's been 20 years since he saw Mr. Keegan. He's in desperate need of someone to talk to. Keegan is or was a priest.

Someone calls the diner owner. Vern is going to make dinner for Dee. She's super impressed.

Rita is getting Dee fired.

Alma arrives at the reception in a fine dress. Everyone is shocked to see her, and Grace tries to stop her from talking when she arrives. But it's too late. Grace admits that it was her fault. Grace is horrified, and Alma is heartbroken.

Ada looks very upset, too.

Alma has no idea what she's done to deserve this treatment.

Dee has been fired. The lady wouldn't give Max her name, but he believed her, so Dee has no desire to work for someone like that. Another waitress wonders if there's a lady out there who hates her guts. Oh Geez.

Keegan assures Bertram that even though he's retired, the seal of the confessional still holds.

Scooter arrives for Catherine. Rita pulls him aside. It would be easier to seduce Catherine if he could have his apartment back. Rita says no more waitresses.

Alma looks through her scrapbook. Dee notices she's down. She says that the telegram was a prank.

Dee tells Alma everything. Alma is shocked that Rita is cheating on her husband with an out-of-work actor. Rita is afraid of what she might say to the other ladies. Alma has other plans. If she is to have satisfaction, she must be forgiving. Dee can't believe it. Alma quotes proverbs.

Scooter talks to Catherine about marriage or engagements. Scooter gets ice cream on his nose so that she'll wipe it off.

Keegan can't believe that Bertram helped his mother. Oh no, but the others, yes. Others? Oh my.

Keegan needs a drink, and he chugs some booze to hear the rest of the story.

Simultaneously, Dee is enjoying dinner with Vern but spilling her guts. Once, he stopped thinking about the future, but now, he's here with her, and the future looks bright. When she stops to think about it, she doesn't have any problems.

Alma visits Rita. Carlo is getting more movement back.

Alma blackmails Rita for an extra seat at the garden club table for a friend. Rita laughs. How cleverly she's cornered her into accepting her. Alma says she wasn't making threats; she was offering friendship. Rita humiliated Alma today so that anything that Alma said wouldn't be taken seriously.

Alma had no idea that Rita was so awful. Rita wanted her fear, and once she got it, she kicked Alma out.

Carlo spelled out "boy is Rita's lover" on the Scrabble board.

Scooter is anxious to see Catherine again. She's a little skeptical, but he leaves triumphant.

When Vern doesn't want to have sex, Dee is hurt. But he is embarrassed about his leg. She says it doesn't matter and takes him to the bedroom.

He keeps telling her about his scars while she undresses him, but she puts her fingers to his lips to shush him. As she leans against him, tears stream down his face.

He's got a purple heart.

Bertram has been going on for ages, talking about every victim. The grand total is 26. He doesn't understand why he's so upset. Keegan hoped that he'd figure out what he did by the age of ten, let alone 40. Be normal. Go to work, don't kill anyone, and go home. Keegan wonders whose torment he's easing when he's killing them.

Keegan says to heed Alma's counsel for the rest of his days, and he can't go wrong.

Rita antagonizes Catherine and spills the scrabble tiles on the ground when she sees what they say.

Alma is crying about what happened with Rita. She hopes one of the other botanical societies will have her if word of her humiliation hasn't reached across Los Angeles.

Dee gets a call from her doctor. She's pregnant.

Alma gets the paper, and under it is a rose. Someone has destroyed her garden upon reading a card with threats from Rita. When she wonders what she can do, she remembers that she's married to a serial killer.

Why Women Kill
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Why Women Kill Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

Bertram: You're the only one who could understand what I've been doing.
Keegan: Why's that?
Bertram: Because you're the only one who knows that I killed my mother.

It's a glorious thing you've done tonight. Always remember that.
