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When Josh announces the Hudson Valley Bluegrass Festival, Maggie says it sounds like torture. Liza disagrees. She's going so she can be there for Josh, even though she won't drive up tonight with the boys.

Diana is primping for her "strictly marketing" meeting with Hugh Shirley. Kelsey makes sure she shows a little cleavage. When Kelsey leaves the ladies' room, Diana drops the jacket to the floor.

Liza is looking for Josh at the festival when she gets a call from Charles about By the Book. He never read as a child. But he doesn't want to lie. She says to say his favorite book as a child was To Kill a Mockingbird.

Liza finds out there is a hole in the air mattress and the ground is wet. Josh says she's a trouper. Their romantic weekend is ruined when Josh's roommate wants to share the tent. After standing in line for the porta potty, she learns it's full and goes in the woods, when it starts to rain. And Charles calls. She learns Jonathan Franzen's Freedom is the book that made a big impact because it's the one his wife was reading before she left him.

Diana and Hugh are making out. He's so weird. She's really needy to need him that bad.

While Liza, Josh and two boobed wonders go clogging, Diana attempts to have sex with Hugh. She breaks him.

Charles begins texting Liza about Franzen. Then Josh does, as well. Of course, since they're both texting about freedom, Liza texts Charles -- I'll take my top off if you take off your pants. Then her phone dies. He's at home, making sandwiches for his daughters.

Charles then tells her about a great B&B nearby where his girls stayed last weekend. She gets kicked out of the festival for hip checking the girl at the charging station.

Diana and Hugh are at the hospital. Yep. She broke his dick.

Josh admits he's even too old for this and he stinks. He hears there are towels and pillows nearby. And Gabe loves pillows. What?!

When they get there, the room has already been paid for by Empirical. There is even a gift basket. Josh wants to put on the robes, take a selfie and send it to her boss as a thank you. She does as he suggests, but doesn't send it.


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Younger Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

Liza [to Charles]: You're going to be in By the Book? In the Times?
Diana: No, Liza. In Cat Fancy.

You need to know something. No, you deserve to know something. I am objectifying you right now.

Hugh [to Diana]