13 Characters Who Need To Be Killed Off...Now!

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They started off with so much potential.

Maybe they were once your favorites before things took a bad turn.

Or perhaps they annoyed the heck out of you from the start.

We had really high hopes for some of these characters. Some have lost their way (anyone got a map to Vermont?) while others have just grated on our nerves week in and week out, and it's gone on too long.

Then there are the characters who simply need to be put out of their own misery...and ours.

Sometimes the death of one character can give a boost to the rest. Check out these 13 characters who need to be killed off...now!



1. Fitzgerald Grant - Scandal

Fitzgerald Grant: He's already survived one assassination attempt but maybe Fitz's time in office and on the show should be up. His romance with Olivia never seems to go anywhere and he really was kind of a controlling jerk when he moved her into the White House without consulting her. Fitz has trouble seeing past his own point of view and it's become tiresome. We've lost all hope of Fitz and Olivia finding Vermont but we wonder if the only way Olivia will ever be free is if Fitzgerald Grant is dead and buried. We're certain she'd do just fine without him.

2. Jimmy Palmer - NCIS

Jimmy Palmer: We know he's got a wife and a kid now, but a little Jimmy goes a long way…and we've been exposed to way too much of Jimmy Palmer lately. His goofiness has gotten to be out and out annoying. NCIS is a show that doesn't seem to mind killing off regular characters and we think that perhaps Ducky should set aside a drawer for Jimmy.

3. Zelena - Once Upon a Time

Zelena (aka The Wicked Witch): The trouble here is that we want to like Zelena. She has potential but it just never seems to be realized. We had hoped that a baby would make her a little more human. Instead she went all in and sided with the Dark Ones. Regina may have banished her back to Oz but if Zelena never changes, perhaps it would be better if someone threw a bucket of water on her and the Wicked Witch were gone for good.

4. Theon Greyjoy - Game of Thrones

Theon Greyjoy: He's been tortured, castrated, humiliated, and brain washed. Honestly, on a show that's known for its brutality we just can't stand to watch any more. If Theon didn't survive that jump from the castle wall, we can't really say we'd be disappointed. At least he'd be out of his misery, and ours.

5. Vikram Singh - Castle

Vikram Singh: He started off Castle season 8 as a minor annoyance but oh, how we've grown to hate Vikram Singh. He's proven to be anti-Castle and anti-Caskett and it wouldn't surprise us if he's on the wrong side of this convoluted LokSat conspiracy. As far as we're concerned, a bullet to the head can't come too soon for Vikram.

6. Louis Canning - The Good Wife

Louis Canning: Other than the fact that everyone loves actor Michael J Fox, Louis Canning feels like more of an annoyance on The Good Wife than an asset. First he's on death’s door, then he makes a miraculous recovery. We're never quite sure who this guy is or what his motivations are. It seems that Canning is jammed into the script for reasons unknown and with so much talent in this cast already, we honestly wouldn't mind if he were gone for good and the show moved on without him.

7. Kurt Weller - Blindspot

Kurt Weller: The wooden performance turned in by Sullivan Stapleton is just too painful to watch. Let's stop pretending that the character is anything but a distraction from Jamie Alexander's fascinating "Jane Doe."

8. Sam Anderson - The Walking Dead

Sam Anderson: Or as one viewer called him, “that idiot kid” who started talking at the end of the mid-season finale when everyone was dressed as walkers and trying to get to the armory. Why is it that baby Judith didn’t make a peep but Sam couldn’t keep his mouth shut? THAT KID NEEDS TO GET EATEN!

9. Officer Sean Roman - Chicago P.D.

Officer Sean Roman: The character is boring, bland, and constantly inserting himself into stupid situations. His advice is terrible and he really just doesn't add much to the show. We hate to say it but killing him off might be the only way to actually make him interesting.

10. Chip (The Tech Guy) - The Muppets

Chip (The Tech Guy): Yeah, we feel a little bad about this one but Chip and his crazy eyes, weird glare, and tendency to invade other muppets' personal space really freaks us out. If they ever do “a very special episode” of The Muppets, perhaps it should be one where Chip the Tech Guy dies in a horrible computer accident.

11. Matt Mahoney - Madam Secretary

Matt Mahoney: He is Elizabeth McCord's speech writer and we're not saying he's a bad guy…but goodness Matt is annoying and frequently whiny. The fact that he actively hit on Daisy while she was engaged to someone else and then left his boss' teenaged daughter drinking at a bar because he didn't want to get involved never really endeared him to us either. If Madam Secretary needs the drama of killing off a regular character, Matt has our vote.

12. Grant Ward - Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Grant Ward: First he was a trusted member of S.H.I.E.L.D., sparring partner for Melinda May and training officer and possible romantic interest for Skye. Then we were shocked to find out he was actually a member of the evil HYDRA. Finally he was killed by Agent Coulson…or was he? It appears that Ward, or at least his body will be back, having been taken over by an Inhuman. For as much as we love a good twist, we think it's time that Ward is allowed to rest in peace.

13. Ava Vitali - Days of Our Lives

Ava Vitali: Years ago, crazy Ava shot Hope, stalked Steve and tried to sabotage a plane which crashed killing Shawn Brady. Supposedly Ava had been drugged by her equally crazy father but we really didn’t care. We were just happy when she left town. Unfortunately, like a bad penny, Ava has turned back up…this time claiming she and Steve produced a baby whom her father sold on the black market. Ugh. We're tired of Ava's insanity. This time we don't just want her gone from Salem, we want her gone for good.

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NCIS, Once Upon a Time, Game of Thrones, Scandal, Castle, Blindspot, Chicago PD, The Walking Dead, The Good Wife, The Muppets, Madam Secretary, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Days of Our Lives
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