7 Wishes We Have for The Blacklist Season 5

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We're excited for the start of The Blacklist Season 5. There are plenty of storylines to pique our interest, and we can't wait to see how they pan out.

But we also have some wishes for this season, too. Take a look, then hit the comments and let us know what you want to see this season!

The Blacklist returns on Wednesday, September 27 at 8/7c on NBC.

There's still time to catch up when you watch The Blacklist online right here via TV Fanatic!


1. Let the Daddy Mystery Be Over

For four seasons we've been teased about the true relationship between Red and Liz. We finally got what seemed like a definitive answer at the end of The Blacklist Season 4. Let's keep it that way. Let Red really be Liz's father without any further doubts or mysteries. We've waited too long, and it's time to let this one die.

2. Aram and Samar Together Forever!

The Aram and Samar romance has been slow to build, but it finally had a big payoff when the two would-be lovers finally locked lips. We couldn't have squeed any louder than we did at that moment. A workplace romance might be difficult, but we'd love to see them succeed. They both deserve happiness, and they deserve to have it together!

3. No Weird Plot Twists

There are plenty of theories out there about the mystery bones in the suitcase. Some are logical, but others are simply bizarre. We love a good mystery, but keep it sane. No Red Reddington really being Katarina, please.

4. Ressler Loosens Up

Now that Ressler has accidentally killed Hitchin, this is the perfect time for him to loosen up. He hired a cleaner to take care of the mess so it's clear he has no intention of turning himself in. At least we hope not. Over the last three seasons he hasn't necessarily been the straight-laced Ressler he started out as, and we'd love to see him continue his walk on the dark side. Maybe he could even help Red rebuild his empire!

5. More Action for Tom

We're glad that Ryan Eggold is back on The Blacklist. Now that Tom's the keeper of the mystery bones, we hope that means he'll have a juicer storyline this season and maybe something more devious. While we like good Tom, bad Tom was much more delicious. And please tie up the loose ends from The Blacklist: Redemption early or not at all. We don't need him stepping into that other world anymore.

6. A Return to the Roots

While we are looking forward to a fun season with Liz and Red rebuilding his empire, it makes us wonder if Red is going to stop giving the task force Blacklisters to hunt. What we loved about the early seasons of The Blacklist were the creepy and dangerous Blacklisters (the Stewmaker comes to mind) the Task Force had to hunt down. Those were exciting times. Red and Liz and the bones are good, but give us some meaty Blacklisters too.

7. More Life Lessons From Red

Now that the daddy mystery has been revealed, we hope that Red won't stop with his clever quips and monologues. He has a lot to prove now that he's lost everything, and we hope that he has even more Redtastic things to say!

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The Blacklist Quotes

You have no idea who you're dealing with, Agent Ressler. You need to stand down.

Secret Service Agent

Did you hear me? I said I need his new name. Give it to me or I'll have the Miami Field Office tear your practice apart faster than you can say tummy tuck.
