13 TV Dads Who Didn't Live Long Enough To Meet Their Child

Here's to the TV Dads who were never given the opportunity to see their child's first steps, to guide them through life, or watch their kid take on the world.

13 TV Characters Who Died Before Their Story Could Begin

Did these characters need to die? Was the shock value of killing them off worth it when there were so many riveting stories that could have been told about them?

13 Shows That Handled Sensitive Topics Gracefully

TV is entertaining, but the best shows address issues we or someone we love have faced. Here are the top 13 shows to treat sensitive issues with the respect they deserve.

Brothers & Sisters Quotes

No, no. No 'Buts'. You're not allowed to give up. You're not allowed to give up because you believe in your gut that this is right. And besides, we've all inherited this absurd drive to make things that, that yes, they seem complicated and they're messy, but we can turn them into something great.


Do I at least get a cigarette and a chance to say my last words?
