Quotables for Week Ending April 2, 2016

Check out the most quotable moments for the week ending April 2, 2016. No jokin' going on here, we always strive to funniest and most meaningful lines for you!

Quotables for Week Ending March 26, 2016

The best quotes of the week ending March 26, 2016? We have them from the Younger finale, the return of Stitchers, Castle, Lucifer and more. Read on!

Season Finale Schedule: When Will Shows End?

When does your favorite show end? We know you don't want it to end at all, but better than you know when it does right? Here's a handy schedule!

Quotables for Week Ending March 18, 2016

It's the best day of the week! We have quotes. Hold onto your hats, guys, because we have some great one for you. Who won the coveted top four positions?

Quotables for Week Ending March 3, 2015

Holy moly! It's March! In like a lion and out like a lamb, so they say. Let's see if the quotes come roaring in even without the help of the Lyon family!

14 TV Flashbacks We'll Never Forget

We're looking at some of the most memorable times TV flashed us back in time! Scroll through our slideshow and let us know which were your favorites!

17 Men in Suits Who Make Us Swoon

Is it the man who makes the suit or the suit that makes the man? Check out these 17 well dressed men in suits who grace our TV's and make us swoon.

Quotables for Week Ending February 25, 2016

With so many great shows on the air, the Quotables were rockin' for the week ending February 25, 2016. Scroll through and start talking like a star!

2016 Renewals and Cancelations

We'll be keeping track of the 2016 renewals and cancelations right here, so make a bookmark if you want all of the latest news! We'll be on top of it for you.

Quotables from Week Ending February 11, 2016

We're creeping up on Valentine's Day. Were the quotes of the week ending February 11, 2016, full of love and lust? Find out by flipping through our slideshow!

Quotables for Week Ending January 28, 2016

Find out what we considered some of the most quotable moments from the shows we cover for week ending January 28, 2016. Don't waste another minute!

Quotables for Week Ending January 14, 2016

We're bringing you more quotable moments from your favorite shows, this time from the week ending January 14, 2016. They'll never be repeated, so read and absorb!