23 Times the Devil Stole the Show

They are fiendishly clever, sometimes darkly funny, and spine-chillingly "good" at what they do. Check out this hotter-than-Hell list of all the Devils we've come to know...

31 of TV's Most Beloved Captains

Kirk, Beckett, Brass. Leaders of valor who value those they stand for make an impression and leave a legacy. Who would YOU follow? Who rallies your courage?

The 11 Worst Series Finales of All-Time: Science Has Spoken!

Forget opinion and conjecture. According to scientific research, these are the worst series finales in TV history.

Futurama Quotes

(after he freezes Leela)
Fry: See ya' in a thousand years.
(Is about to leave, then comes back and switches it from 1000 years, to five minutes)
Fry: You owe me.

Leela: Look, I know it's not much consolation. But, I understand how you feel.
Fry: No, you don't. I've got no home, no family.
Bender: No friends.
Fry: My whole world is gone. You can't possible understand what it feels like to be so alone.
Leela: I understand. I'm the only one-eyed alien on this whole planet. My parents abandoned me here as a baby and I don't even know what galaxy they were from. I know how it feels to be alone.