9 Season Finales That Made It All Worth It

There were a string of season finales this year, but some of them stuck out more than others. We have the 9 best season finales so far this year!

17 Controversial Character Exits

Wait... what? WHY?!? As detailed here, sometimes characters exit TV shows under the most controversial of circumstances.

17 Characters Who Should Have Stayed Dead

TV has a nasty habit of brining characters back from the dead. In these cases.. we have no idea why.

ABC at Midseason: What Will Get Renewed?

Will your favorite ABC shows get another season? Consider these ratings and then consider the future of these programs.

TV Fanatics Count their Blessings

We at TV Fanatic are counting our blessings this Thanksgiving for all things television! Find out what we hold most dear and share yours with us.

13 Terrible TV Families to Make You Thankful for Your Own

Your family might drive you up a wall this holiday season, but we can all give thanks we don't have to sit down to a feast with these small screen families.

17 Characters You Do NOT Want To Mess With

Check out our slideshow of television characters that we at TV Fanatic do NOT want to mess with! Who made the cut? Who did we forget? Let us know!

Quotables from Week Ending November 12, 2015

What wisecracks turned our heads for the week ending Thursday, November 12, 2015? Or was it a dramatic clause? Find out when you scroll through our Quotables!

13 Couples That Should Split Up NOW

There are several couples on TV that just don't work. We've compiled a list of those couples for your viewing pleasure. Have a look and see if your favorite couple is here!

Quotables for the Week Ending Nov. 5, 2016

Hooray! It's time to revel in more quotable moments in the world of television! Who knocked our socks off this week? Scroll through to find out!

31 Characters Badly in Need of a Four-Leaf Clover

Have you thought a TV character could really use a little luck thrown their way? We've found a whole bunch who might benefit from your help!

9 TV Lawyers We'd Hire If Our Lives Depended On It

TV is filled with attorneys, but which ones are at the top of their game? Read on to find out which lawyers we'd hire if our lives were on the line.