27 Of The Most Seductive Serial Killers On TV

They have the visages of Greek gods and goddesses but possess hearts as dark as coal. These 27 characters slay in the figurative and literal sense!!

19 TV Villains Sure to Haunt Your Dreams

Villains who set out to torment and torrorize on a lasting level are our favorite. They not only stick with the show, but haunt our dreams. Take a look!

17 Characters Who Should Have Stayed Dead

TV has a nasty habit of brining characters back from the dead. In these cases.. we have no idea why.

11 Shows That Outwore Their First Season Welcome

There are a lot of shows that should have never made the cut for a sophomore run. Take these, for example! Then, argue your points along with ours.

13 TV Shows That Suffered a Sophomore Slump

Have a look through our gallery of shows that noticed a drastic dip in quality in Season 2. Do you agree with these choices?

13 Mesmerizing TV Mad Men

These 13 TV psychopaths range from adorably cute to super sexy, but they are are mesmirizing in their own creepy way.

2015-2016 Renewal Scorecard

What has been renewed? What has been canceled? Click through this extensive photo gallery and learn the fate of your favorite sitcom or drama.

What We're Watching: March 2 - March 8

Revenge returns this week and Suits Season 4 finishes up. Plus, The Bachelor women tell all special is going down! Here's what we're watching this week!

45 Movie Stars on TV

More movie stars are making the move to TV than ever before. Let's take a look at those who have made a major impact on the small screen.

26 Season Finale Scoops: Spoiler Alert!

How will your favorite show wrap up its season? We run down a number of finales here.

The Following Quotes

Joey: Why is my dad such a bad man?
Emma: Maybe, he's not so bad. Maybe we just don't understand him.

Joe: Was he good? The sex? Did your body quiver to his every touch?
Claire: Yes. It did.