Bill Paxton

William "Bill" Paxton  is an American born actor and film director.

His film debut was 1975's Crazy Mama. He rose to stardom after being in movies like Apollo 13, Twister, and True Lies.

Unfortunately, his career as a musician never took off, but he was in a rock band called Martini Ranch back in the late eighties. 

It is easy to get Paxton confused with Bill Pullman - but, as his fourth season on Big Love is about to start, it is easy to say he has truly cemented his place in many fans' hearts.

Role Show
Bill Henrickson Big Love
Birth Date:
Fort Worth, Texas, USA

Big Love Quotes

Sarah: Why can't we just hire a babysitter like everyone else?
Barb: Because we're not everyone else

Margene: Does that mean you miss me more?
Bill: Officially... I miss you guys all the same.