How I Met Your Mother Review: "Of Course"

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Jennifer Lopez was the guest star last night on How I Met Your Mother and we must say we loved every second of her on the show!

First, we have to give props to the writers for the witty title of her self-help book, 'Of Course You're Still Single, Take a Look at Yourself, You Dumb Slut.'  If there ever was a book out there with that title we know plenty women friends that would pick it up and at least skim through it. And the fact that you should wait 17 dates before sealing the deal? Genius and almost close to impossible these days. 

J. Lo on HIMYM

Second, it is interesting that the producers would have two huge stars guest star on an episode back to back - but Jennifer definitely brought it this week. She was all that and more which made the ending with Barney jumping into the Hudson that much more plausible.

"Of Course" had us laughing out loud plenty of times, especially the Bang Bang song and dance that everyone got into. We have to give it up to Marshall because that song was really catchy (and yes, we will use it on our friends).

But, primarily, this episode tugged at our heartstrings for what could have been - for Barney and Robin.

It was so sad to see in the flashbacks Robin hurting over all of Barney's womanizing antics - especially her eating the chicken wings alone in the kitchen on Superbowl Sunday. We felt it was a bit unreal for things to go back to normal so quickly for them when they broke up; so it made their relationship that much more real in our eyes.

We liked seeing Barney's softer side and how much he truly cares for Robin. Of course he gave up his super date for Robin and Don, but who wasn't hoping and wishing Don was Barney?

This episode definitely had us wanting more for Barney and Robin and not-so-secretly hoping they will get back together. We leave you with a couple of our favorite How I Met Your Mother quotes after the jump!

Barney: Well, you're in luck because mine's the tiniest, and the more you touch it, the softer it gets. | permalink
Barney: At least when I run out on a girl, I have the decency to sleep with her first. It's called manners. | permalink
Lily: Of course she is upset - take a look at yourself you dumb slut. | permalink
Marshall: How could you let me do that - you're my wife.
Lily: I know but that song is kind of catchy. | permalink

Of Course Review

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How I Met Your Mother Season 5 Episode 17 Quotes

Barney: Oh no, I am not going to give it up, she is. Thanks to Ted's book -
Ted: It's Robins, it's Robins.
Barney: I'm going to stay two steps ahead of her - there's a loop hole in here and I'm going to find it.

Nothing sexier than a man in a fine cravat.
