Fringe Review: "Olivia. In the Lab. With a Revolver"

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Wow, there was a lot going on this week… enough to have our minds racing.  On "Olivia. In the lab. With the Revolver"  a man has the ability to transfer his deadly case of cancer to the Cortexiphan test subjects of Olivia’s past.  He then goes on a murderous spree in hopes of preventing his own death.

The first thing that comes to mind while watching this episode is gross!  Poor Miranda and Timmy, what a painful and grotesque way to die.  All James had to do was touch them and lights out, the end of the line.  Thankfully he was unsuccessful in his attempt to kill Olivia.  We know there would be no show without our beloved detective, but for a minute there it looked as if there might actually be something to worry about.

Fringe Photograph

For the entire episode, Olivia fights with the voice in her head, trying to figure out if she should tell Peter the truth.  Her feelings for Peter have apparently clouded her always truthful manner.  Thankfully Walter decides to tell Peter himself.  Walter is his father, and the truth should come from his lips.

Walter also expresses his fear that Peter might not forgive him, and we certainly hope that is not the case.  Walter would do anything for his son, which is why he crossed into the alternative universe in the first place. Walter was the one that saved Peter’s life!  

We are a bit disappointed that nothing else has transpired romantically between Olivia and Peter.  It seems Olivia is forced to put her feelings on hold until Peter knows the entire truth of his existence.  Peter thinks Olivia is just acting weird because of their almost kiss in Jacksonville.  Can't these two just get together already?

Peter then tells Olivia that he wouldn’t want to do anything to mess up their “family unit”.  Do you think Peter will stick around once Walter tells him where he is from? We surely hope so!

And, who is the man that is trying to activate the prior Cortexiphan test subjects?  What are his intentions? We guess no good will come of this in the future!

This show is amazing, and one of our favorites… but there are just so many unanswered questions!  Glad to know we have a third season to look forward to!

Until next week, here are a few of our favorite Fringe quotes from this week:
Walter: Can you get a sample of this puss piece Peter?
Peter: I always get the good jobs. | permalink
Walter: When you open your mind to the impossible, sometimes you find the truth. | permalink
Olivia: Well, you're right about moving around a lot, I was a military brat. | permalink
Walter: Don't be so skeptical Peter; you liked the taffy didn't you? | permalink
Peter: How come you didn't call Broyles?
Olivia: I've got you on speed dial. | permalink

Olivia. In the Lab. With a Revolver Review

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Fringe Season 2 Episode 16 Quotes

Don't be so skeptical Peter; you liked the taffy didn't you?


Peter: How come you didn't call Broyles?
Olivia: I've got you on speed dial.