Fringe Review: "Peter"

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OK, Fringe fanatics out there… this is the episode we have all been waiting for. In "Peter," we learn the truth about where Peter comes from and the events that lead up to his switch-a-roo. What a night to remember, especially for Olivia.  We know that she has developed feelings for Peter and now knows that he really doesn’t belong in our world.

What is a girl to do, expose the truth and risk losing such a great guy?

The episode begins by Walter explaining to Olivia about the heartbreaking death of his son.  You could really see the bond between Walter and little Peter, and we can’t even imagine how hard it would be to have your child die in your arms.  It really was an emotional scene for us to watch.  

Young Walter

We now understand why Walter was so reluctant to give Peter back.  Why would you want to return your son, right after losing him?  A parent would go to the ends of the earth, especially to save their own child.  Walter was just lucky enough and smart enough to find a way to replace his dead son.

We also learned that Peter is somehow extremely valuable to the Observers, which leaves us wondering why?

Peter is so important, that a curious Observer accidentally disrupts Walternate from finding the cure in his world.  This sets off the chain of events that ultimately leads to our Walter stealing the Peter from the alternative Universe. Does that make any sense?  If not, be sure to read our recap of this episode.  

You have to feel terrible for Peter’s mother on the Other Side.  To have her one and only son kidnapped by a man that looks like your husband but isn’t.  We have a feeling Peter’s real parents are going to eventually figure out a way to come looking for their missing son.  We wonder why this hasn’t happened already.  What do you think?

Again, so many questions are flying through our head.  This episode has truly been one of our favorite thus far!

We look forward to next week and learning more about Peter’s past!!!  Here are a few of our favorite Fringe quotes from this episode:

Walter: Please let me in, I need to explain. If you wouldn't mind, I could use a sip of something myself. | permalink
Walter: My son is dying Dr. Warren; I will not allow that to happen again. | permalink
Walter: All William Bell ever cared about was finding the way to increase the power and wealth and legend of William Bell. | permalink
Walter: Why did you save us?
Observer: The boy is important. He has to live. | permalink
Walter: It was the first hole, the first breach, the first crack in the pattern of cracks in the places between the worlds, and it's my fault. | permalink

Peter Review

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Fringe Season 2 Episode 15 Quotes

Walter: Why did you save us?
Observer: The boy is important. He has to live.

It was the first hole, the first breach, the first crack in the pattern of cracks in the places between the worlds, and it's my fault.
