Royal Pains Review: "Medusa"

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Last night's episode of Royal Pains, "Medusa",  brought it all - action, adventure, romance, mystery, you name it! And what a great location! Cuba is definitely an area that is uncharted in the TV world.

Well, I have to admit, anything involving Boris always keeps us entertained and wanting more! Do you think that they will be able to find a cure for his rare and mysterious genetic disease before it is too late? I hope so!

Touched Down

How do you feel about his relationship with Marissa? Do you think Marissa is using Boris for his ability to fund her clinical trials or in fact she loves him back? Something tells me that Marissa's intentions are not as pure as they look. Perhaps she has fallen in love with him, but there needs to be more evidence to prove this to me. I am not buying what she is selling - not even for a second!

Probably the most amusing part of last night's episode had to be the dynamics between Divya and the new doctor Emily. Emily definitely is a b*tch! I was certain that Divya would find something on her! Now that it looks like Divya will have to work with her again, do you think Emily will gloat about this?

Jill was definitely missed in this episode! Perhaps next week, we will get to see her out in Cuba as well! Also, Charlie seems to be gone forever, which is kind of sad! We liked him (or maybe we just like looking at him!) either way, it would be a great storyline to bring him back!

Here I Am, World!

We knew something was up when Evan decided to trade his phone for the cigars! What an idiot! It was like he was just asking for trouble! Who do you think kidnapped him - government or bad guys? How will Hank be able to save him this time?

It was nice to see Evan get some though! It always seems like Hank is the ladies man, but there is something that I definitely find cute about Evan. He always brings in the laughs and if a way to a man's heart is through their stomach, a way to a woman's heart is through laughter.  We wonder if Mindy had anything to do with the kidnapping.

All in all we can't wait to see what happens next week! What did you think about this week's episode? Any predictions you have - let us know! We love hearing from you!

Follow the jump to read a few Royal Pains quotes!

Evan: Is Boris in a long distance relationship?
Hank: Yeah, with the one who is trying to save his life. | permalink
Evan: Dude, these seats are made out of lamb skin. | permalink
Evan: Think about it Hank, you can do the right thing or you can kill a polar bear. | permalink
Evan: Please take the baggage.
Hank: I don't want to take the baggage. | permalink
Evan: Must have been an expensive flight - landing in Cuba and all. | permalink

Medusa Review

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Royal Pains Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Think about it Hank, you can do the right thing or you can kill a polar bear.


Evan: Please take the baggage.
Hank: I don't want to take the baggage.