White Collar Review: "Unfinished Business"

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"Unfinished Business" was the perfect title for last night's episode. Why you ask? Well, the cliff hanger way that it ended for one!

Was I the only one dying to see what was on that tape?! I am pretty sure Neal won't rest until he gets his hands on it - so why not just grab it and run? Or explain to Peter what it was? Even if it was taken under forgery, wouldn't Peter be okay with it? C'mon! It's only a little white lie that Neal told in order to apprehend it!

I really enjoyed having Sara join the team this week. Her storyline wasn't just another beautiful woman from Neal's past - she actually had a target on her back and in an interesting plot twist - Neal was her assassin.

Unfinished Business Scene

It was pretty sad watching from Sara's perspective what it would be like if the world thought you were dead. Because she was always married to her work, at the end of her life (figuratively) no one really cared. Her office only sent a small bouquet of carnations.  It puts things in perspective how important living your life really is and not just being married to your job.

Hilarie Burton did an excellent job playing the role of Sara. I've never been a huge One Tree Hill fan (sorry!), but wow! has she grown up since her days on MTV. For me, she was barely recognizable. Hopefully, this wont be a one time gig and she will come back in future episodes.

Mozzie as per usual lightened the episode making jokes about Neal being a lookalike for Danny Zuko. I do have to admit that sometimes Mozzie reminds me of Brian from Family Guy. Hey! They both love a good drink and can easily turn any situation humorous.

Elizabeth made her five second cameo again - woo hoo! I am always happy to see the lovely lady and look forward to her being a part of the show again one day.

All in all White Collar didn't fail to impress me this week. Of course it ended the same as they always do - Peter rushing in telling the bad guys to freeze! But, it did leave me wanting more.

What did you think of last night's episode? Until next week, here are a few of our favorite White Collar quotes:

Mozzie: I think you'd make a sublime Danny Zuko.
Neal: Not Kenickie?
Mozzie: Please you're not a follower. | permalink
Peter: Hey kids - playing nice? | permalink
Neal: You're really defining business casual. | permalink
Neal: It is what it looks like - I was sent here to kill you. | permalink
Mozzie: Definitely no accident.
Neal: Did you ever think that it was? | permalink
Neal: Peter, this is like me taking you to the Yankee stadium and listening to the game in the parking lot. | permalink

Unfinished Business Review

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White Collar Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

Mozzie: Definitely no accident.
Neal: Did you ever think that it was?

Peter, this is like me taking you to the Yankee stadium and listening to the game in the parking lot.
