Life Unexpected Review: "Criminal Incriminated"

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Last night's episode of Life Unexpected had some pretty touching moments in it, but overall I felt a little disappointed with it. However, without the bitters in life, the sweet wouldn't be as sweet, right?

Before I get to the good stuff, I want to go over why I felt the writers could have done a better job with "Criminal Incriminated."

Lux and Austin

For one, the whole cheating situation that Lux found herself in. I don't believe for one second that any teenager would freely admit to her family and teacher that she stole the answers to another test after they got caught cheating on a exam. Especially since it seemed like Lux's enrollment in that high school depended entirely on her grades.

Which brings up another point. IF Lux's grades were such an issue, how was Math able to bring down expulsion to a detention and time with a tutor? Oh, and I love the fact that Lux's tutor is none other than her favorite pedophile teacher Eric. It almost seems like this whole cheating thing was just another avenue for the writers to have Lux and Eric get closer.

As funny as it was watching Cate be stoned (I really relished when she accidentally told the world what she really thought of Kelly!), I didn't really see what the point of all of it was besides further showing how much she hated Paige staying with them. It bothers me that the writers always use nagging Cate as a go to characteristic for her. It's like we are almost programmed to find her annoying.

Another part of the episode that didn't make much sense is why one earth would Ryan want to befriend Baze? Didn't he sleep with his fiance last season and try to stop his marriage from happening? Now, Baze even slept with his sister?! Ryan HAS to be hiding something because no one is that much of a nice guy. He might as well be Baze's doormat.

There were a couple moments that I really did enjoy, though.

One being the return of the ever cute Jones! This boy got a rockin new do and is still ever so in love with Lux. Poor kid doesn't even know she's got eyes for someone else. What really happened between them? Wasn't there some kind of romantic connection at some point?

I admired both Cate and Ryan at various points, too. Cate when she had the guts to admit that she's not anywhere near perfect and makes big mistakes; and both of them for paying Baze Paige's debt that she owes him. Both situations show maturity, which is a big thing because usually these guys aren't the grown-up types.

And as weird as it was watching Baze and Ryan play basketball on the same team, it was nice watching the four of them play as a family. It showed us that these people really are Lux's parents. All of them, including Ryan.

I am still dying to find out who is Julia and it seems like we're never going to find out!

What did you think of last night's episode? Leave your thoughts and opinions below!

Until next week, here are a few Life Unexpected quotes to enjoy:

Ryan: I got an idea - how about guys vs. girls. Baze and I will be on the same team for once. | permalink
Emma: I'm sorry I told you to lie, apparently who you are is more appealing than I realized.
Baze: Thanks?
Emma: And if you need a couple hours because of the kid, the illegitimate one, that can probably be arranged. | permalink
Cate: I think we always try to see the good in people we love. | permalink
Lux: During parent teacher conferences I was always minus the parent. | permalink
Cate: We're you're family now me and Lux.
Ryan: So what? Paige isn't? | permalink
Cate: Baze thank G-d you answered. How do you get yourself unhigh? | permalink
Cate: Are you telling me I just inhaled a loaf of pot banana bread? | permalink

Criminal Incriminated Review

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Life Unexpected Season 2 Episode 3 Quotes

First day at a new job, kinda trying to start sounding professional.


Cate: Even though I was only unemployed for a couple days, I kinda got used to the sleeping in.
Ryan: You know what they say, the early bird gets the worm.

Life Unexpected Season 2 Episode 3 Music

  Song Artist
Everyday Vetiver iTunes
Let's Dance The Marys iTunes
Song Holy Moly Motocade