Jeremy Davies to Recur on Season Two of Justified

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Timothy Olyphant guest-starred on this week's episode of The Office.

But he might wanna make his way back to Kentucky in a hurry - because a new nemesis is waiting for him on Justified.

Jeremy Davies will recur on season two of this FX hit, portraying a character named Dickie Bennett. One of three brothers in town, Bennett was a high school rival of Olyphant's Raylan Givens, while their families have feuded since the 1920s.

When Justified returns in February, Dickie will recently have gotten out of prison for marijuana possession/dealing. Look for him to also walk with a limp due to a fight with Raylan when each was 17.

To Lost fans, Davies will forever be known as twitchy physicist Daniel Farraday. He also played a key role in Saving Private Ryan.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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