The Bachelor Review: Week Three 01/18/2011

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The Bachelor seriously needs to cut things down to an hour. Wow. This show will rot your brain, and this was a prime example of an episode that could have been trimmed down.

Yet like that accident on the highway, you can't look away. Not when Emily is bearing her soul, Michelle is going stalker-insane or Madison is peacing out of the rose ceremony.

All in all, it looks like The Bachelor spoilers are coming true before our eyes (at least to a point), and with some genuine moments of emotion thrown in. What good/bad TV!

Hot Bachelor Bodies

Brad Womack in his element.

On his first date, with Ashley S., she and Brad got together with Seal. At Capitol Records, the two of them "sing" his hit "Kiss from a Rose." This is just plain terrible.

Seal actually appearing was surprising, although the show has been known to open up the checkbook for these big-name acts, so maybe it shouldn't be at this point.

The next date featured 13 women shooting an "action movie." It was basically Michelle, Shawntel, Chantal and Ashley H. Not sure if the rest even talked to Brad.

Then it's time for the raw emotion of the night. The angelic Barbie-faced, Mother Theresa of the house, Emily, gets the last date, and the cards are on the table.

She finally tells him about her daughter and her late fiance, and Brad, being the good guy that he is, seems to like her even more for it. She's a real contender!

After an awkward therapy session, it's time for the final cocktail party. That's when Michelle starts going insane and stalking Brad. Like, even worse than usual.

So which three ladies ended up out the door this week?

To find out who survived and who got the boot, and for all the highlights of last night and beyond, follow this link for more in-depth coverage of The Bachelor!

Week Three Review

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Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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