Brothers & Sisters Review: "Brody"

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Beau Bridges guest-starred on Brothers & Sisters last night as Nora's ex-flame Brody, and aside from turning in a perfectly fine performance, did wonders for the name "Brody."

The Los Angeles area was in desperate need of another Brody besides JV womanizer/guy celebrity gossip sites talk about for no reason Brody Jenner. So thank you, Beau B.

This Brody's first name is Nick, but did he arrive in the nick of time for the family matriarch? Calling Nora’s show asking about rekindling lost love certainly made you wonder.

BB on B&S

Nick Brody manages a semi-pro baseball team in Arizona and he's not the father. Had Brothers & Sisters gone there with more biological parent drama, it was shark-jumping time.

Even though he isn't Sarah's dad, he left quite an impact this week. Brody arrives in his big motorhome, charming as ever, leaving Nora happy but understandably off her game.

Back in the good ol' days, Nora loved some baseball, thus Brody nicknaming her “Slugger.” Not the most original moniker, but I admit I was really enjoying these two together.

Other plot lines last night were not as fresh. Paige actually did the school project where she carried a five-pound bag of flour as if it were a baby. You knew where this would go.

Kevin, of course, was tasked with babysitting "Joaquin" and while he did a nice job, Sarah didn't take it quite as seriously and ended up abandoning the flour child somewhere.

Meanwhile, Tommy’s considering a move back to Seattle because he hates hi job. Here we go, another exit for the wandering Walker. Surprisingly, it's Brody who facilitates it.

Tommy will become the business manager of a baseball team in Phoenix! That was enough to spark outcry (literally) from the Walkers ... even more than Paige's freaking out.

Tom Walker

For once, Nora can't seem to get mad over something. Perhaps it was the conveniently timed tumor that struck Brody's dog, or the fact that she's just mellowing out. Who knows.

In the end, they have a heart-to-heart in which he admits regrets about letting her get away. Nora admits that William was not perfect, so she has had regrets along the way, too.

One thing she seems at peace with? Letting Tommy and Brody go. Both story lines flowed well. Tommy needed to go again and having Brody stick around would've felt forced.

Typically, the "drop-in" character is full of cliches and doesn't bring a lot to the table, but Brody managed to leave a realistic impact and not overstay his welcome. Will he return?

Given that Lily the dog will be staying with her as she recovers from surgery, chances are this baseball-loving free spirit will return by season's end ... but that's just a hunch.

Would you like to see that - and a romance develop between them? Tired as I've become by potential Nora love interests in the past, I can say I'd like to see this one explored.

Elsewhere, Justin, who is still on the show apparently, treats a homeless vet after he was jumped in a park. He wants to help him get back on his feet, but Zach is cool to the idea.

Justin perseveres until Zach eventually comes around and stops by the Walker house for some baked goods courtesy of the late Joaquin, wrapping up this C-story up nicely.

Still no sign of Kitty, nor has there been in a while. We fear for the worst.

What did you think of last night's Brothers & Sisters? Discuss!

Brody Review

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Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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