The Biggest Loser Review: A Chocolate Fest!

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It was all about Red vs. Black on The Biggest Loser this week. I found the temptation challenge a bit mean and unfair to these people, though. They've been trying so hard to lose the weight.

I’m also glad that I am neither a contestant nor a host, as I would have caved in a nanosecond at the sight of that chocolate. Gotta give these contestants a lot of credit. Hannah entered the room with a hate for Valentine's Day, so that helped her walk right past the chocolate.

Biggest Loser Scene

The red team totally bombed the temptation by accident, while the black team named each chocolate for a member of its squad. I don’t feel any of the contestants stuck with their initial goals, which was to not eat any chocolate and keep their current teams intact.

Arthur won the temptation purely for power and not for the greater good. He should feel ashamed that he brought over the pink team as sacrificial lambs for his side.

Jillian may think "nobody wants to mess with her," but Brett and Cara’s multi-workout regimen definitely burns twice, if not three times, more than a treadmill.

I know the prizes for the winners are supposed to motivate them even more, but using videos from their loved ones was a bit harsh. They should all receive an opportunity to see their friends and family members.

The look on Arthur’s face during the weigh-in was priceless. He traded in the two teammates he thought were the weakest, and each of them ended up losing 14 pounds. Meanwhile, seeing Moses break the record of 100 pounds in six weeks was extremely moving. Every coach and team member from both teams were appropriately touched.

Week 6 Review

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